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Saturday, August 29, 2009 Y 8:32 AM

Hey there, these are my bestest and most true friends!
Sharmaine Jean
Interests: Reading, eating and having fun
Rynell Kaye
Interets: SMSing, chatting, conferencing,eating and having fun
Ang Le Fei
Interests: Chatting,watching animes,solving math problems, having fun and watching television
Ong Zhi Xuan(I included myself! *giggle*)
Interests: Chatting,watching television,reading,doing english revision papers,having fun,shopping, watching videos on youtube(especially videos on MJ and sitcoms and music videos), singing ( I want to become a star just like MJ and donate money to charity ), having fun with family

Y 8:24 AM

As most people knows... Today is the birthday of my idol... The King Of Pop... Michael Jackson. I watched his concert on television just now... Michael Jackson HIStory Tour Live In Munich. His audience were wild... A girl got invited onto the stage while he was singing You Are Not Alone ( One of my fav ) and wouldn't let go of him and a security had to come and get her. Wow, almost all the girls who get to go onto the stage to meet MJ behaves like that... I wonder what will I do if I meet him? Will I get that crazy? Well, I don't know and I never will... because he is gone... Miss him so much ): Continue moonwalking in heaven Mikey, I'm keeping you fresh in my memory searching and watching videos of you on the internet :D Reasons why MJ is my idol :
1) He is a great singer, dancer and songwriter.
2) Fantastic dad to Prince Michael Jackson I, Paris Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket)
3) He is a great humanitarian ( donating to charity, writing songs about saving earth etc. )
4) The nicest star ever ( Stops to talk to his fans instead of getting security no matter how hysterical the fan he still loves him/her )
5 ) Loves and cares for kids
I hope that one day I can donate as much money and help as many people as this great person had.


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That girl.

Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

♥ - Singing & Listening to music.
♥ - Shopping.
♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
♥ - Hanging out with my amis.
♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

Tags iz ♥-ed.

Let's be crazy & random, shall we? [:
I blah a lot too, don't worry. <:

The sweet escape.

Tag me if you want to be linked.
If you are linked, please link me back as well.

My tumblr.♥

Please Don't Stop The Music.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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