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Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Y 5:40 AM

Sharmaine... I'll really miss you if you go back to Phillipines... I don't want you to go ): You're my best friend and I love you so muchh... I'm so scared of losing touch with you... When the coach jeff at the talk said as long as your friends' are in Singapore, it'll be okay... but then... you're going to the Phillipines ... I want to go through secondary school life with you, my best friend... If you go, I'll have no best friend anymore... no other friend can replace you... You're the best, you always stood by me ): You comforted me when I'm lost and scared while others just push me away... what am I to do without you? ):

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 Y 5:23 AM

I'm very bored right now, so I decide to tell you guys some random facts about moi :D
1) My English name is Carol (:
2) My Best Friend is Sharmaine Jean (:
3) My Precious Mei Mei(s) are Rynell Kaye and Kayelean (:
4) My Niece(s) are Sharmaine Jean, Ang Le Fei and Nathalie (: [ Not So Sure About Danielle, I forgot. ]
5) My favorite subject is MUSIC !
6) I idolize Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson (:
7) My childhood friend is Ang Le Fei (:
8) My favorite cuisine is Japanese and French (:
9) I am 170cm tall (:
10) My dream height is to reach at least 175cm tall (:
11) My BIGGEST wish is for the world to return to it's own healthy self last time, and world peace (:
12) I am an Aquarius (:
13) I love to SING (:
14) I am a DRAMA QUEEN (:
15) I absolutely hate backstabbers and people who doesn't cherish animals (:
16) I love sleepovers (:
17 ) I have run out of things to say (:
18) Buhhbyes :D

Monday, October 19, 2009 Y 9:06 AM

Okay...So I feel that I have to be a better person... So... I have some confessions I need to let out... if you need to hate me, do so... cause it shall be my punishment for the bad things that I have done.
1) I'm sorry Zie Yine for hating you so much. You did apologize to me, and even though you changed your mind later and started badmouthing me again, I can understand why you did so. I am sorry for being so hysterical about all these things.
2) Sometimes, I lie. What I lie about is only small matters but it is still lies. Even though those lies, you will probably forget after you get home because it is only small chitchat lies, I still feel guilty and uncomfortable. I will stop lying from today. Even small chitchat lies.
3) I talk back to my elders. I am sorry, sometimes I am just so frustrated and upset that I couldn't control myself. I have told myself countless times that I will try to repent but then I didn't. I am going to repent and stop talking bad from today onwards.
4) I swear sometimes. I do swear. Just for the fun of it while talking to friends, I feel guilty. I will stop.
5) I get jealous easily. When I get jealous, I might not like that person. I might even hate that person very much. Like my cousin. Since he was born, he has been the apple of everyone's eye. I felt jealous and refused to talk to him and all. Although, sometimes, he can be quite naughty, but he is still a kid. I feel immature for behaving like that towards a kid.
6) I do copy some homework answers. I copied lefei's math homework last time because I didn't know that I had to do it. I clean forgotten it. I panicked because my teacher was Mr.Char and I didn't want to get punished. I am sorry. I will write all my homework down in my handbook from today onwards.
7) Sometimes, I am quite a show-off. Especially when I get high marks for tests and examinations. I am sorry for my shallow behavior and will repent. I sometimes look down on other people too.
8) I always quarrel with my brother, giving my parents a massive headache. I'm sorry. I will try and give in to my brother from now on, I will not fight with him over the computer nor television.
9) I am greedy. I am greedy sometimes and always asks for the best and best. I feel very shallow right now as those things that I demand might give my parents quite a headache. Like handphones and eating at the best restaurants. I am now giving up these little luxuries as my handphone is quite good already and my grandma's home-made dishes taste really well too.
I have ran out of things to say right now as it is quite late and I might have forgotten some. I am going to repent and be a better person from now on. I will add in the confessions that I forgot today tomorrow (: Thank you for your kind attention...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 Y 3:10 AM

Sharmaine's really mad at me right now... I don't want to lose sharmaine, I love her, she's my best friend... If she hates me, then I don't know what to do... She's my closest friend... I'm crying hard right now. I don't want to lose sharmaine! I bet if zieyine sees this she'll be over the moon... I'm gonna be so lonely at school tomorrow... whatever I did, I didn't mean it... I just hope Sharmaine's my friend again...

Friday, October 9, 2009 Y 9:25 PM

I joined facebook, and I recently played a game : " Who has the biggest brain? " so, I'm not very good at math so I scored quite low. Then faiz - rude and mean - started laughing at my score! Why can't he just quit it and leave me alone? Well, if he thinks he is SO good, shall he compare his mother tongue, english and science with me? I'm better than him in a bunch of stuff >;[ He has NO right to laugh at me like that. I'm sorry but I can't tolerate his stupidity anymore! I'm better than him in art, singing and a whole bunch of other stuffs. So leave me alone! Stop laughing at me, spreading bad stuff about me and tripping me infront of other people, I hate it!

Y 4:37 AM

Hmm, today is PSLE Mother Tongue. The English and Mother Tongue papers are really manageable, but math! Ughh, I don't even wanna talk about it. Anyways, Sharmaine, Lefei and Rynell came to my house just now... Now I'm pretty bored. Anyways, I lost my precious wally ): Miss her. SHE laughed at me when I lost my wallet. And when I wished HER good luck for the examinations, SHE actually cursed me bad luck! I was just trying to be nice ): Gift of a friend is stuck in my head right now. BTW, gonna get a complete makeover in the december hols. I'm cutting my hair into Lady Gaga style and getting new specs. I'm also getting my hair straightened. Can't wait to watch new moon with my besties ! my FOUR besties. xD Carol out.

Saturday, October 3, 2009 Y 10:17 PM

PSLE is coming... I'm looking forward to the end of PSLE with excitement and a hint of sadness... I'm looking at the 6 conscientious class photos A&A posted on youtube... Looking at those photos, I could just cry. I really can't bear to part with my classmates even though I'm looking forward to making new friends. What if Lefei, Rynell, Sharmaine and I go to different schools? I would seriously break down and cry until I'm dry. I really cannot leave them ): We've been through so much together. Lefei, Rynell, Sharmaine and I have been through too much. We've fought, we've made up, we've got punished together, scolded together, had fun together... IDK why but I'm suddenly overwhelmed by a big wave of sadness, right now. Lefei and Rynell had been there when I fought with Sharmaine and they made me feel better until we finally made up. Sharmaine, Rynell and Lefei had constantly believed me and helped me through during my darkest moments. They believed me however someone badmouthed me. Other people would have believed those crap and leave me. They are the strongest and the most true bunch of friends I have ever met.. I just don't want to leave them.


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That girl.

Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

♥ - Singing & Listening to music.
♥ - Shopping.
♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
♥ - Hanging out with my amis.
♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

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The sweet escape.

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