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Sunday, November 29, 2009 Y 2:04 AM

Okayh, so I have no idea how to add the dedications thingy so I'm just going to write it out here.
My dearest Rynell : Thank you for being here for me when I'm need of a friend the most. I love you loads my darling little sister. Please don't let your cute bangs and signature red specs walk out of my life!
My Darling Lefei : Thank you for being a good friend. You were there comforting me when I was crying so desperately. I love you, you gotta know that okay? Please don't walk away ): I love your comforting voice and I want to hear it everyday !
My Beloved Nathalie : Thanks a million for hanging out with me everytime I feel lonely! Hope you will remember me with the hamster in your house! Let's make a date to slay zombies once again in the future ! Love you lots, okay? Let's keep our zombie-slaying togetherness alive !
My Loveliest Danielle : Danielle, I love you for being there with me through my biggest fight with Sharmaine. Your loving and encouraging words touched me. Thank you for taking me as your friend! Please don't let our friendship die okay ? Keep using those wise words and comfort people! I love you so muchh !
My Favorite Girl Kayelean : Thanks loads Future Mrs.Bieber! You're always there for me and when I'm really devastated, you always cheer me up! What am I without you my dear? You have to know that I love you ! Don't walk out of my life please ): You are one of the dearest to me! Love the adorable way you use the word moi ! Don't go !
My Best Friend Sharmaine : Thanks bestie! Thank you for comforting me when I was so sad. And thank you for standing up for me when someone talked bad about me. You always have the right things to say. I love you truckloads . You have tuhh know that. Please don't let your adorable pout walk out of my life ! I love your adorable hamster-like cheeks! Sometimes you neglect me, but you're still one of the most awesome people I've ever met. I love you so much. During the darkest moments of my life, you were here for me. I love you.
- That's all for today , will add more (: Don't worry my dearest pets, I'll never leave you guys out!

Saturday, November 21, 2009 Y 8:37 PM

Yesterday, I asked HIM if we could still be friends and HE answered, whatever... That almost killed me. It feels so freaking painful. I wish we could go back to the days when we were great friends. Now he's just so cold... It really hurts.

Y 2:24 AM

Edited this picture! :D Cool right? If sharmaine and kayelean were in this, it would be so much nicer! And Nathalie and Danielle!

Friday, November 20, 2009 Y 10:10 PM

This picture is taken at the P6 Graduation! Ughh I had my eyes closed! The people in the picture includes : Faiz Razak(My Precious and Beloved Brother) Mr Lim(My math teacher) Lefei(My darling and beloved niece) Myself (Lol) Zie Yine ( Our lovely family's housekeeper ) and Rynell (My dearest and beloved meimei ) Besties unite! HEY ! WHERE'S SHARMAINE? I don't know really. I think she's the one taking the picture! Love you guys a million!

Y 6:24 PM

Hellos people ! So bored right now. Wednesday have barbecue! More huggs! Can't wait to see all my buddies again (: Planning on inviting JiaHua with me, Rynell, Sharmaine, Lefei, Faiz and Shah to timezone and maybe a movie. I want to watch 2012!Hope he comes. After all, Faiz and Shah are going! If he goes then it equals to happy me. LOL. Cause it's been a long long time since I ever chatted with ahgong and all. -sighh- I seem to have lost a very good friend like I did with Faiz last time. Well, hope he comes! (: I'm crossing my fingers!

Y 6:46 AM

Today was the prom! I curled my hair and went to Nathalie's house for make-up. LOL so professional! Lots of people said I looked amazing. I think Kayelean looked beautiful ! So does Nathalie. I hugged lots of people! Even boys. I wanted to hug HIM but then I'm too scared so I went to hug Faiz (my cute little piggy) instead. I was feeling kind of down. I was so jealous when lefei hugged HIM. I was like WHAT? And I went to hug Faiz one more time. LOL. I am such a jealous person. I didn't win xishan's got talent... All of the winners were dancers. No winning for singers ): I practiced so hard. Well, it's a great experience. HE got best-dressed ! I was like, omg he's soo hot today... Zie Yine just wore a t-shirt and shorts but she put make-up on 0_0 Faiz looked casual but cool. I'm so proud of my piggy, why didn't he get best-dressed ?! Lol. Lots of people wanted to take pictures with me and I had to bend down. It's not MY fault I'm tall! And by the way, Lefei just pulled out my lollipop from my mouth and stuck it into her mouth. That was so unexpected. I ended up chasing her around in my heels. Then, I stopped, removed my heels and ran at full speed. Lol. Awkward~ I'm planning to give everyone in my class a hug on wednesday. Especially HIM. (: And then, we're gonna find some time and then maybe me, faiz, shah, rynell, lefei and sharmaine can go to timezone together. I want to play house of the dead 4 ! Zombie-killing fun ! Kayelean got nominated for best-dressed! I don't get why Nathalie didn't get nominated, she looks dazzling! Grace was prom princess. And then, when it's disco time, everyone got high. That's when me and lefei ran around chasing for hugs :D Mr.Lim became a teddybear for everyone to hug ! Lol :D Vivian looks nice too. And HE was smoking XDD Well not really smoking since he's still ze big blob we call him. I bet he hardly noticed me... ): So much for doing so much for him to notice me. I'm planning on giving him a hug on wednesday (: Provided he lets me. Oh come on just a friendly hug for friends. Even faiz allows me to hug him ! Wells, signing off here cause I'm so bored. Haha xD Buhhbyes!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Y 11:11 PM

Prom is tomorrow ! Just now was the dance fest. The parent volunteers did my hair while rynell did my lipgloss/lipstick, peishuen applied eyeshadow for me and chinyee applied blush for me. Man the make up was sooo thick! Even though I heard some teachers say that our outfits were elegant and beautiful, I feel so not me. LOL. Although I did have fun playing with the scarf. Lefei looked kinda creepy because she is too fair while Rynell looked just right because rynell is kinda tanned. Sharmaine looked normal. I looked like a ghost ;D I loved the hawaiian dance~ He Mele No Lilo ~ Well, Xishan's Got Talent is tomorrow! Wish me luck! I can't wait to see what everyone is wearing!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Y 11:48 PM

When HE finally replied to my msn just now after so long of never replying, I felt so happy. I totally missed the days we had. The song I'm going to sing on Xishan Got Talent is dedicated to him. I hope he finally notices me again. -sniff- I really miss having such a great friend... He probably likes one of Persistence girls, since their sporty and cute. Unlike me. I'm not one hint of attractive. I'm making it a point to do my hair and wear a nice dress but I still don't think I'll even be a hint of attractive. Well, that's just me. Hahas. xD

Y 10:33 PM

Today was the Xishan's Got Talent rehearsals. I had to do two times! It was my first time using a microphone to sing on stage... I was kind of surprised when Mr.Addy told me that everyone was looking forward to my performance as I have a great voice. Pshh yeah right. I don't really think so. What really took me aback was all the cheering and the compliments thrown at me ( not trying to show-off, it was really shocking ) I was like HUH ? Because my brother always told me that I had a horrible voice. Paranoid Memoirs were awesome! I was playing randomly with Nathalie's guitar ( which I fell in love with ) and Seraphine ( My buddy ) thought that I knew how to play the guitar. Izzy's group was awesome too! Their song is sooo catchy! (Geegeegee baby baby geegeegee baby baby xD ) the song totally rocked! Haha, Mr.Addy was putting the microhphone closer to my mouth ( I was too soft, nervous! ) I was so afraid of kissing the microphone! I loved microphones ( I want to be a singer ) But I ain't gonna kiss our school's microphone! You don't know how much saliva was spat onto it when people are talking! Gross much ? Hm this morning, was feeling kind of neglected. Rynell was dissing me. I was so disappointed as I was always there for her when she needed me and I never dissed her. Maybe that's why she's not afraid of me. It was just plain mean. But still, she is my meimei and I love her. I just hope one day, she would stop using me as a substitude or something and treat me like a real friend. It might seem fun for her to diss me and make Faiz and Shah laugh but it isn't. If one day I finally burst and she's only left with Faiz and Shah, dare she go to their house and feel very at home ? Dare she talk about her girl problems to them ? It's so unfair for me. I just hope she'll finally wake up. She knows I love her, she's my meimei. But sometimes, I just hope she draws the line between confident and cocky, playful or mean.

Y 7:22 AM

Prom is coming in like three days ! Soo excited yet sad because I don't wanna part with my beloved class ~ I've already got the dress that I'm going to wear. OhhEmmGee Rynell's dress is so revealing. It's V-Neck! But she says she's gonna wear a tube inside. Lefei's dress is simple and sweet. Well, mine, I don't really know. Lol. I want to see Kayelean's dress! For sure she's gonna be prom queen! Maybe Rynell also. Moi ? 100% won't be prom queen :D Lols. Kayelean's dress for the hawaiian dress was gorgeous ! Lol just now video-call with Kayelean via msn. Saw her being tortured by Kleio -gasp- Then, she finally let go. Lol then Kleio ate too much and she puked. Goshh. Lol poor Kayelean. I wonder how's Kayelean doing with sewing the sequins onto the costume ? Must be done by now. :D Madam Katherine was such a great coach to us ! So patient and all. Her dance steps are awesome and she does them so gracefully! I'm excited for prom and kind of nervous for Xishan's Got Talent... I'm singing Teardrops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift. I hope that the people will just sing along to the song and cover up my horrible voice ! Kayelean's band, Paranoid Memoirs, is going to sing Homecoming by Hey Monday. I don't really know Hey Monday except for Cassidee. Lol if that is how her name is spelled. Goshh hope that HE wouldn't laugh at me ! I'm still troubling on what shoes to wear. Probably heels. But which ? Some are way too high and I do not want to sprain my ankle before the prom! It's 11.32pm now but I don't feel like sleeping... Lol Rynell slept the whole afternoon so I don't think she can sleep now. Ohh gosh. Just now during assembly I fell asleep two times. Sharak e tapped me and I woke up. Lol. Well probably HAVE to go to bed now. Buhhbyes (:

Saturday, November 14, 2009 Y 6:54 PM

Hmms. My mom might be taking me shopping for my prom dress later. If not, I would have to wear my old one. -frown- It's still a nice dress, I hardly worn it before :D
Yesterday, my mom bought be a $12 heart barette to match my prom theme black and white ;D YAY !!! And I'm going to buy bangles and all. And then on that day, my dad will drive me, rynell, sharmaine and lefei to the hairdresser's to have my hair done. Yeah ! And then on that day, I'll have to go on stage to do a solo performance. Hope I win! :D Let's hope I don't chicken out like i did in the auditions. Hmm but with enough practice and all, I probably wouldn't chicken out. Be strong !!! :D Yeah I can't wait to see Kayelean's group perform. I have a feeling that Grace will win. I mean she just has the FEEL you know? I'll have to try to top that with my voice. Probably can't. Cause I don't think I can sing even though people tell me I can. Trust me, I can't. I don't even know how I got pass the auditions, I totally chickened out on that day. But I'm still so glad I got in. That's it for now, gonna go watch Fred, the youtube prodigy ! xD I'm like such a big fan ! The voice is sooo cool ! Haha HE IS SOOO FUNNY ! :D I DON'T HAVE A PERSONAL FAVORITE CAUSE I LOVE ALL OF THEM :D KAYELEAN'S FAVORITE IS [ FRED GOES ON A DATE WITH JUDY ] THE ROCKING CHAIR PART. HAHA! ROCKING ON A ROCKING CHAIR~ AHH! HAHA SOO HILARIOUS! LOVE YOU FRED [LUCAS] !

Y 8:46 AM

You know, I've had a crush on someone since the beginning of the year. It's not actually such a big deal really. I was just hoping that it would be nice for him to finally notice me and like have a chat with me or maybe be good friends or something. I wish that on prom night, he would FINALLY notice me. I'm going to join Xishan Got Talent and the song that I'm going to sing is actually a song that I can relate to with this crush I have. The crush would probably go away soon as we are gaduating. At the beginning of the year, we clicked instantly and became great friends. Rynell told me that he even liked me. But then, we grew apart. He and the popular girls from Persistence class became wonderful friends and now he likes one of them. I was actually kinda sad when I was told that he liked someone else. Hmms. I was like : " HUHH ? " Lol xD Well I didn't actually say that out loud I just had it played in my head :D I wonder if there's anyone that I liked that actually liked me back. Don't think so. I don't look pretty and all. Hmms.

Friday, November 13, 2009 Y 2:51 AM

Ohh My Goodness ! What happened? WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED? I GOT IN THE AUDITIONS ! I SANG ONE PATHETIC CHORUS AND I GOT IN ! I was like so shocked when Mr.Lim announced my name. Cause before that, Candice said that my marks were really low... I was like : " HUHH ? " and Sharmaine was like " I told you I told you I told you ! " lol aweesomee! Hahas xD

Monday, November 9, 2009 Y 7:25 AM

Today... Rynell came my house... Before she came, she cried, about Lefei... After that she went home... She made up with Lefei. Then it's my turn to cry at night, about Sharmaine leaving. Then, sharmaine comforted me and told me she would persuade her parents to let her stay. I love her so much. She does care! She's the bestest friend ever T_T -virtual hug- Sharmaine I love you forever and ever! And always will!
Carol <3

Saturday, November 7, 2009 Y 11:03 PM

Rynell, my precious little sister, I love you! Thank you for being there when I totally need you (: You are the greatest friend ever! Thank you for being the judge of my singing (: You rock ! Thanks for listening in to my troubles and thanks for being there whenever I need you :] You are the best little sister ever! -virtual hug- :D I love going out with you cause you are always a bucket full of sunshine and happiness! Well yeahh sometimes you're kinda down but that is sooo rare! Can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow when you come my house! (:
Your sister,
Carol <3

Friday, November 6, 2009 Y 7:01 AM

Sooooo freaking nervous now.... I'm so worried about my auditions on wednesday. I'm doing solo... Only me on the big big stage with all eyes staring at me, I might just burst out laughing [ I do that when I'm nervous ] That'll be suchh an embarrassment! Omg I'm soo scared T_T

Y 6:50 AM

My blog had a complete makeover... thanks Chels! Hmmm, gonna join Xishan Got Talent auditions on wednesday 11 November and pwn everybodyy :D lols. Joking, I'm sure there's alot of people that are better than me. I'm still thinking which song I should sing... Probably teardrops on my guitar... NERVOUSNESS! ANXIETY! OMGG! I'm doing solo, isn't that so much scarier?! I might just DIE. Lol. Anyways lazy talk anymore, going to admire my blog now. Lol. Buhhbyes.


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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

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