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Saturday, December 26, 2009 Y 3:22 PM

I was bored so I edited this picture x) Somebordehh taped mahh mouth ! :O Heh x)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 Y 11:52 AM

I'm in tears right now. I'm going to a different school with my besties. The one I'll miss the most is Rynell. My dearest mei mei ): I will miss the times we had fun together and the times we always video-call her, and how it seems like I can tell her everything. Everything is going to be different now. No more Rynell... I feel so lonely now that I no longer have besties that go to the same school as me. I feel so myself when I'm with them, I don't need to hide anything or whatever. But with new friends, I couldn't possibly do that. Nobody would understand like Rynell, Lefei and all. No other friend can ever replace them. I love them so much that I can't bear to separate with them. Why is this happening ? I always thought that we will be best friends FOREVER. But obviously, as we move on to secondary school, we will grow apart. I do not want that to happen );

Friday, December 11, 2009 Y 8:50 AM

I'm not going to mention names. H, how could you do that to K? K is really a nice girl and she's beautiful too. Did you know that you broke her heart? You're not apologizing sincerely, you called the poor girl an asshole? You know how deep that must have hurt her? How would you feel if someone called you an asshole? It's your loss for losing a girl as amazing as K, do you know that? She's so pretty, look at those chocolate brown eyes and that perfect smile, who wouldn't want her? Oh ya, I forgot. Some no life like you. Maybe I should introduce an eye doctor to you. Get those eyes checked. Did you hear how she cried? Are you even a real man? K cried so hard but you still called her an asshole. You are so messed-up! I know, it's your life and I shouldn't be some nosy-parker but you actually called my poor little sister an asshole? She's already upset enough! You are down-right revolting! Don't understand the word [ revolting ] do you? Read a dictionary! While you're at it, look up the word [ sincere ] and the word [ apology ] does that ring a bell? Oh yeah, I don't think so, cause you have never done it and probably don't even know what in the world it is! Write her a nice card and apologize would you? That would definitely cheer her up. At least that would make things better. Are you really that oblivious to feelings? K is such a delicate and sweet girl. How could you hit her so hard with such a hard word from your "gargantuan" vocabulary? Oh yes, notice the air quotes. I trust you know the meaning of gargantuan. You don't? Look it up. I just wanna say, would you please please please just apologize sincerely and then leave her alone? Would you? What does your conscience say? If you even have a conscience, it would say, go ahead and apologize. And for my dearest little sister, K, you know, this guy is not worth loving. You are so much better off without him. You're a really nice girl and you deserve to be treated like a Princess by your Prince Charming, which obviously isn't this mess of a guy. He broke up with a dazzling girl like you for some other girl? His loss. Obviously. Does he know how to cherish you? NO.You deserve so much better. You know that the other members of Food & Music Lovers will love you and cherish you cause you are like family to us. Ask any other member, we all love you. You're gonna have fun with us when we go to D's Condo for a swim next week and forget all about that messed-up person. Think of the day when you'll be going out happily with a guy that is so much more understanding and charming. Don't let that guy have an illusion that he is your everything. He will not learn to cherish you because he will think that without him, you have nothing. You cannot be weak like that honey. Show him how strong you are and be happy before his very eyes. (: My darling, we will always be here for you. You know that.

Sunday, December 6, 2009 Y 11:52 PM

This is already clear, you hate me, I hate you (: I wouldn't hate you if you didn't go all ways to smudge my name. You say that I THINK that I can sing very well. Why, I think somebody's bitter~ Okay first, I do not THINK that I can sing very well, okay? People say that I sing well, deal with it. I suggest that you go and find something that you are good at instead of being bitter and jealous here, okay ? And by the way, stop using people! Okay? Stop being jealous and then badmouth the person that you are inferior to ! I'm not just talking about me, okay? I had nothing against you, so why do you have to do this? You're just finding yourself enemies! Leave me alone!

Saturday, December 5, 2009 Y 4:56 AM

Went to causeway point with my beloved Nathalie, Kayelean and Sharmaine just now. Had loads of fun. First, we went to popular to look for albums! Sharmaine bought me a christmas gift there! Oh my gosh excitement! Then we went looking for albums in another cd store. After that, we went to KFC and Kayelean looked like she could just burst out in tears there because the black pepper chicken was too spicy! Then, we went to timezone. Played Panic Museum, House of the dead 4 then Nathalie and Kayelean played the simulator. But then sharmaine was standing behind so there was an obstacle detected so they ended up just sitting in there doing nothing. After that, we went to take PICTURES! My favorite part! They were really nice, they costed $6! Then Nathalie and Kayelean went to shop for more gifts while me and Sharmaine stayed in timezone to play the simulator two times. So fun! After that, we took the MRT home. Nathalie told me she bought a christmas gift for me though I don't know what it is. I can only know it on the day of Nathalie's birthday. Oh dang it x) I'm gonna present Tequila to Nathalie on her birthday. HAH! Nobody else's present can top mine and sharmaine's! I can't wait to see how Nathalie will look when she sees Tequila! Well, lazy to elaborate more. Buhhbyes! (:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Y 9:13 PM

That chick with long brunette hair and that dazzling smile ? That's Kayelean Nicole , the girl whom I am proud to call my little sister :D She is hot and sexy yahhs ! :D Ya better cherish her Haikel ! She is your angel sent from above! Kayelean has always been there for me and she tries her best to help me solve problems, where can you find a friend like that? She is such a great friend ! I love her truckloads , please don't walk away ! Stay friends forever yahhs Mrs.Bieber! Fuhhree Ahh Pitzzaaa Fore Miiisstaaaa Bieeebaaa. What kind of accent is that? ITALIANOOO something something SISTALIAAA! lol yes, this seems like gibberish to y'all but my dear Kayelean understands it, so HAH! xD


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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

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-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

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