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Sunday, February 28, 2010 Y 2:11 AM

Yay ! Mummy bought 6 pieces of CHEWY JUNIORS ! I ate two and is so damn full. My daddy went to a wedding dinner. I was bloghopping and saw DANIELLE's BLOG. THE BLOGSKIN IS SOOO CUTE ! I LOVE IT ! Kind of excited for my own room. PINK THEME ! I HEART PINK YEAHHS ! You got a problem? DEAL WITH IT (: I don't know what's so bad about loving pink. WE ARE GIRLS AREN'T WE? And pink is just like any other colour. Except it looks more soft and delicate. I showed Rosali to Darlie yesterday. I'm so proud of her ! :) I'm missing Kayelean the most now ! I miss Sharmaine, Danielle, Nathalie, Rynell and Lefei too. My darlings xD Hehe I was writing a Little Miss list in my new pad of foolscape paper. You wanna see the list? It isn't complete but I'll show you what I've written so far ! :D
Sharmaine - Little Miss Humor !
Kayelean - Little Miss Giggles !
Nathalie - Little Miss Hyper !
Danielle - Little Miss Random !
Rynell - Little Miss Foodie ! ( It was glutton but I changed it :( )
Zhi Xuan(That'sMoi!) - Little Miss Smiles !
Lefei - Little Miss Daring !
Zhi Ning - Little Miss Crazy !
Ruthra - Little Miss Ruthless ! ( LOL )
That's about it. I wanna come up with a care bear list ! Maybe I'll do it later. I <3 JULIET ! She's so nice to me while Sharmaine's busy. She manages to turn my frown upside down just like SHARMAINE ! Hehe. Kayelean does it too. SO KLEIO, DON'T TORTURE YOUR ATE OKAY !
<3 Carol

Saturday, February 27, 2010 Y 3:13 AM

Hello readers (: I named my beautiful guitar ROSALI (: What a beautiful name xD Kayelean's guitar's name is AWESOME ! DEMITA. Hehe YES, WE NAME OUR GUITARS. Currently surfing the net and watching diamond club. YAY MY FAVOURITE SECTION IS ON, SUPER DOG ! The doggies are soooooo cute ! :3 Rosali is settled down right beside me. I love Rosali (: Hehe. So bored. I MISS MY DARLIE ! I MISS SHARMAINE TOO ! Was supposed to go out with Li Tian just now. But didn't. Haish. I'M CRAVING FOR CHEWY JUNIORS ! Bought one box yesterday, but my aunt took them to Malaysia with her. LOL. That's it for now. BTW, My blogskin rocks ya? THANKS TO MY DEAR KAYELEAN FOR SETTING IT FOR ME. I LOVE YOU ! xD


Friday, February 26, 2010 Y 9:11 AM

This is too unfair. I think I deserved more than one mark. I think I at least deserved two marks. How can you tell Mr.Loke so confidently that I didn't know how to count the score when you yourself asked me what the score was and I TOLD YOU THE SCORE? I said I know how to count. But you insisted that I couldn't count. Hence, causing me to lose marks. It isn't fair. You're being too selfish. Just WHAT do you have against me? Do you know that there are a lot of people in our class that complained to me because they can't tolerate you? And you think you're so perfect. I TOLD YOU THE SCORE. I SAID IT OUT IN YOUR FACE, TWO TIMES. YOU ASKED ME THE SCORE TWO TIMES, AND I ANSWERED THEM IMMEDIATELY. SO WHY did you say that I couldn't count the score? Others might not know. BUT YOU YOURSELF. YOU. YOU WILL KNOW THAT YOU LIED. BECAUSE I KNOW HOW TO COUNT THE SCORE AND I SAID IT INFRONT OF YOUR FACE. Sure, I'm kinda slow sometimes in reacting to the scores, but I DO REACT TO THEM. I KNOW WHICH SIDE SURFS. I KNOW WHEN TO SWITCH PLACES. ASK YOURSELF IF YOU'RE DOING THE RIGHT THING.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Y 3:57 AM

Had quite a nice day in school today (: Except for some particular people who have really crossed the line ! Peggy turns out to be really nice :D I can't believe I disliked her. Ohh yeahh, Zhi Ning is officially my Darlie today, on 240210! Must remember that. Ohh yahh and Ruthra is my Ruthless Sensodyne today too (: Hehe. Totally miss CzaCza ): Haven't seen her in like, two years? I love chatting with Hui Xian and Moesha! Ohh and my choir senior Xiu Ting is sooo nice (: Arghh, OLE in two weeks ! There's going to be rock-climbing, flying fox and high elements! -screams- HEIGHT IS NOT MY THING ! Although I do look forward to the dragon-boating, kayaking, bukit timah hike and the trip to MARINA BARAGE ! BOOOOO YAHH ! -big retarded smile- Miss Tow is one of the nicest teachers ever x) Ohh man I didn't get 100 marks for the chinese spelling like last time ): AND ! SOME PEOPLE IN MY CLASS, THEY ARE SO LOW ! They accused Hui Xian and I of cheating and called us the teacher's pets just because we are good in chinese! HOW MESSED UP IS THAT? I sense jealousy xD I had chicken chop for recess and I had some malay noodles that I have no idea what it's called for lunch (: So random. Just thought of saying it. I FINALLY FINISHED MY BEN TEN IMAGE TRACING FOR IT LESSONS ! -sigh of relief- I'm grouped with Moesha and Hui Xian for the Home Economics project. I LOVE IT ! Hehe. I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY AND MUSIC ! :D Sooooooo I have no idea what to post now. Man, really want those pink adidas sport shoes and hoody. So COOL. OHHH AND MY PURPLE NATURAL CRYSTAL BRACELET BROKE WHILE I WAS SHOWERING! I was like, panicking ! Ohh well, at least I kept the crystals nicely in my pouch. Maybe I'll make them into necklaces. Wait, I'm already wearing a purple crystal necklace. LOL. I know I have a thing for purple crystals. They are supposed to aid us in STUDIES ! Pink is for love life. I ain't needin' that anytime soon. LOL. What's the use of it anyways. Some people are too desperate for love at a young age xD OH YAH, AND I SPENT $200+ ON STORYBOOKS IN TWO WEEKS (: I LOVE YOU UNCLE ! I'M SUCH A DORK XD lol. Done spouting nonsense now. Gotta let my brother have the lappy. BYE PEEPOS !
Carol <3

Friday, February 5, 2010 Y 8:24 AM

Sharmaine Jean - Niece - Best Friend : Thanks so much for spending time with me on my birthday when everyone just decided not to come at the last minute. Thank you for staying here being with me while I was so sad that I was going to cry. You instantly cheered me up when you gave me a big hug, as everyone knows, Sharmaine's hugs are extremely rare. Thanks for being such a great friend to me for like two years, whenever some of the others just decide to leave me out, you always come and cheer me up. I love you just the way you are and if you ever change, it'll just not be the same anymore. I'm glad that I didn't stick best friends with someone that doesn't really care about me that much. Thank you for coming into my life and I love you so much. I love texting you everyday and hope that we will not ever lose touch, cause you are one of the best friends I've ever had. If you also haven't come today, and I was to spend this day friendless, I would be so upset I would be crying. I know you haven't really seen me as your real best friend , but I WILL love you like my best friend and hopefully one day, you'll know it. You're the most humorous I've ever seen and your jokes really turn my frowns upside down. You really know how to comfort while the others just sigh and say some useless things. If I had stayed best friends with someone that doesn't care, I would still be enduring backstabbing and sarcasm. I remember how they used to use sarcasm on me together when you were not here. It felt painful. Even more painful when I trusted one of them as a best friend before. And she just treated me like that. I know you would never do that. That's why you rock and I'll love you forever Ami (:

Y 8:04 AM

School's been going quite smoothly. But there is one thing. There is a girl in my class. I'm not going to mention her name. I have a feeling she hates the sight of me. She picks on me a lot, well, that's how I feel. And she's pretty bossy to me. I don't really like her. And then during physical education lessons, a lot of things happened between her and me. She was like getting mad because I can't play badminton very well. Sometimes, it's not that you don't know the rules, you just need a minute to think and you're confused. But no, she starts nagging and scolding me. Quite a few people in my class doesn't like that attitude of hers, but they don't show it and they just let her push it. She may not know it, but it is. They told me. And then there it is, like a clique of pupils who get together cause they don't like her either, and they have this piece of paper for us to express our feelings. Kinda like a club. So, I decided to join and write down something, like how do I feel when she treats and talks to me like that. I wrote down the word 'mean' cause I felt she's been being mean to me. Maybe she doesn't know it, but I know it. When she saw me writing down, she assumed I was ganging up on her and trying to bully her or something, and she went to complain to one of my friends. I'm not trying to be mean... I'm just trying to vent my feelings. Like the other people who wrote down, cause some of them are because she's violent and hits them... Or stuff. But I just wanted to write down how hurt I felt when she looked down on me just because I'm not good at badminton. My other friend wanted to play with me, and I said okay. Then, she said : " TRY to play with her. Just try. If you don't want, it's okay." I felt so hurt. It's like she's saying that I can't even hit the shuttlecock one time. I felt that she was belittling me. She didn't have to put it that way. So, I don't see what's wrong with writing down one little word, 'mean' . I just felt very hurt and unhappy, like the other people who wrote down on the paper. Now, she makes it look like I'm a bad guy, ganging up and bullying her. It's not fair. How she made remarks about me, bossing me around. Not fair at all. And I think, she's going to tell everybody that I'm a big mean girl who gangs up on people and everyone is going to hate me on Monday. I just wrote 'mean'. What's wrong with wanting to vent my feelings with one little word?


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That girl.

Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

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♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
♥ - Hanging out with my amis.
♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


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