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Thursday, April 29, 2010 Y 11:04 PM

Y 10:59 PM

Hiie people (: Just found out ... tomorrow will be going to MALAYSIA . I can't go to Kleio's party anymore . Haish. Neverminds . I'll be random with my FAVOURITE COUSIN , BERNARD LEE ! (: Lols . He tell me to bring Rosali ( my guitar ) to show him . I want to camwhore with him ! Lol . Last time I took lots of pic of him playing air guitar. A real guitar for him to play now. Yay. Lol. Don't know if can see myy other cousin or not o.o So long never see him alreadyy . Last time I think is two years ago bahh ? Today the SA1 english and chinese papers were okay. Not so hard. I'm kind of excited to meet my cousin and kind of sad not able to meet myy beloved food and music lovers. I'm gonna force Kayelean to tell me ALL ABOUT IT (x To Kleio : Happy Belated Birthday ! [ Actual bday on 27 April , Party on 1st May )Nothing much to elaborate . Byes !

Carol <3

Thursday, April 22, 2010 Y 6:24 AM

Heyloos peepo ! Currently posting now because I have nothing to do :l LOLS. Still sms-ing Iffah. LOL Nat's dream phone is my phone again x) That time she wanted LG Ice-Cream . I had it . Now she wants Sony Ericsson w508i [ I think ] and I have it . LOL . Hehs . I like Rynell's phone. Preston. But not too much (: Hehs. Chatting withh Iffahh about phones now. Tralalalalas. Nothing to write eyhh. But neverminds. I'll write random stuff. And ohh yahh. Thr's someone in my class she's like soo annoyingg . Ughh . And she makes it sound like she's th one that is so pitiful. I shall not mention names. ._. A lot of people are fed up with her. I mean, come on! You yourself is so mean and you make the others, who actually are very nice, sound mean. What th ? =.=" NEHHMINDDS ! Shall not waste my time writing more about her. Anyws. Yesterday, got really frustrated at Sensodyne. She got frustrated at me also. Don't know whyy . Yesterdayy , maybe both of us were moodyy . Everything's cool now. :3 Missing Lefei and Rynell seyhh. Kayelean also. Very long never sms with her. LOL few days niahh. BUT IDC ! ): I miss her ! And rynell and lefei, ytd just meet. BUT STILL. LOLS. I'm a bit crazy alr luhh I think x) FAIZ D: Long time nehh see him . Like ... 4 months ? AIYEE D: I shall live withh it . At least I still keep in touchh with him. Better than nthh . Wonder how the people of Xishan are. Th teachers and all. ONCE A XISHANITE, ALWAYS A XISHANITE ! :3 Heh. I miss th canteen food luhh ... Th third store Auntie's chilli crab meat and sushi. Sounds weird, but it's not ! I miss chatting with that auntie larhh ... SO NICE . Heh . Nthh muchh to elaborate now. Buhhbyes .

Carol <3

Y 4:37 AM

Hellows peepo ! Currently chatting with Iffahh . Meeting her and Lefei tomorrow . Yayys . So excited to meet IFFAHH ! My fellow PINKAHOLIC (: Just now went to northpoint. Met Sharmaine, Lionel , Shafiqah(IDK HOW TO SPELL!) And Judianto. Lols . They keep follwoing us D: So weird ! Judianto 170cm siahh ! Aiyeeee ! D: Same as me . Noooo . Anyws . Faiz taller than me liaos. How? IDKK EHH . Bought gladys' prezzie for her . A necklace withh th letter 'G' and a butterflyy . Hope she likes it luhhs . Today at school , a lot of drama larhhs . Sighh . Hope everyone did well for their napfa test ! TOMORROW 2.4KM RUN . AGAIN ! Aiyeee D: Nvms. Jys bahh . Perseverence ! Lols . But my legg aches like dunno whadd now T.T Met Lefei, Rynell yesterdayy . Also met Emily , Jin Yen and Swee Xiangg for th first time . SO AWKWARDD. Jin Yen right .. he veryyy ... uhh .. CONFIDENT ._. Lols . Nthh muchh to elaborate now . Signing off here .


Saturday, April 17, 2010 Y 9:03 PM

Heyys people ! Currently waiting for my BRUNCH. Sundays are always sooo lazyy. Nobody's home. Except for me. I had Wall's Double-Dutch ice-cream just now. Yumm. Especially the marshmallows and chocolatechips inside. Yummyyy. It's delicious yeahhs ! Nothing muchh to elaborate noww. Toodles ! (:

Carol <3

Friday, April 16, 2010 Y 11:15 PM

DEDICATED TO THE US x) Thankyouhh for being such great friends. Love all of you babes. Muackzxc.

Y 7:02 PM

I was bored so I decided to take a pic and edit it x) This is what happens after not cutting my fringe for like one month ? :)

Y 6:49 PM

Good morning people ! Slept at like 5am yesterday and woke up at about 8plus (: Once I woke up, I did the neccessary editing to myy blog and tadaa ! It's my first time adding a tagbox and music player without any help. I'm so proud of myself ! x) Heh. Well, I tried Mafia Wars since the boys in my class are like addicted to it. I figured, hey, why not? Lol. It's kind of similar to sorority life though. Hmms. I wonder how is Darlie feeling now? Still as emo as yesterday? CHEER UP LARH DEAR! Currently bored x) Elaborate on the day later yeahhs. Kayhh byes (: Short and sweet.

Carol <3

Y 11:59 AM

Heyhoos people. Just changed my blogskin so everything is a bit messy. My first time changing blogskin myself. Time check : 3am. Woahh. Kind of sleepy. Not sleeping yet. Sorority life time ! Nothing much to say. Kayh bye.

Carol <3

Y 10:51 AM

Hellos! Having some peace and quiet time alone. Time check : 1.51am. Nobody's online on msn. Planning to shoot right up ahead in Sorority Life. Do vote for me yeahhs ! StellaVedette is my character's name x) Sweetheart : Bae. NO STEALING YARHHS ! Lol . Currently waiting for StellaVedette's energy and stamina to refill so I can actually do stuff. Lols. Planning to stay up all night . Not sure if I can . So, today, school was quite peaceful. NO 2.4KM RUN TODAY ! -happy- Thank you rain ! Mr.Loke introduced the five stations for NAPFA test to us. ONE OF THE THINGS I DREAD THE MOST. I AM NOT GOOD IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. So. Maths. Usual. Mr.Elfie was talking. I wasn't sure if I was paying attention or not. Some yes some no x) Then, PE. After PE, RECESS . Yays. Ate chicken chop and drank blueberry. After recess, literature. Mr.Rama talked about animal farm. Listen some dream some. Was passing notes with Darlie x) After literature, SCIENCE. Kind of okayh. Disturbed Jeremy a little . JUST A LITTLE ! For fun. After science, HOME !!! x) I love fridays. Ohh, choir has been suspended because SA1 is coming. -eep- Wednesday, went to esplanade to watch dunman high choir perform. MISS ONG SANG SOLO IN ESPLANADE ! Feel soo proud x) Heh. Tomorrow, my youngest aunt is coming to Singapore. Weehee ! I want to take neoprints with her. Okayy. So, signing off here. Maybe I will post again later. When I'm bored again. Kayhh. Byes (:

Carol <3

Friday, April 2, 2010 Y 5:40 AM

Heyyloos people. Went to Genia's place just now with Zhi Ningg and Zhengg Hui [ Zhi brother] Tried makingg the shepherd's piee . Me and Genia's failed . Zhi Ning and Zheng Hui's success . After that , went to use the computer . Went to check out th movies . Then went to Habbo . Zhengg Hui's Habbo so pro ! Richh guyy . Genia's brother = annoying :l The habbo USA habbo card is so cool ! Genia showed me . After that , Zhi Ningg and I decided to do a dramatic "slapping" scene. Zhengg Huii was th cameraman. I was the slapper. Zhi Ning was the victim. Genia was the background. LOL. So funny. At the last part, money flew everywhere . Tomorrow, will be meeting up with them again. YAY I'M GOING TO GENTING NEXT FRIDAYY ! Me and ZhiNing are going to buy the sock handphone thingy !


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That girl.

Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

♥ - Singing & Listening to music.
♥ - Shopping.
♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
♥ - Hanging out with my amis.
♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

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The sweet escape.

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