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Monday, May 31, 2010 Y 7:44 AM

Nothing's been happening these few days. Well , just now I went to choir. Teacher forced me into Soprano again. No way out this time. Aww. So. Just now played a multiplayer mini-game. There's this girl, who is very overweight ... I liked her hair very much. It had PINK highlights. So I told her I liked her highlights , very nice. Then she got sensitive. She thought I was using sarcasm. So she said " Nice moustache. " Then I told her I'm a GIRL . Let me write down the conversation.
Me : Nice highlights.
Her : Thanks, nice MOUSTACHE.
Me : I don't have a moustache, I'm a girl.
Her : I know.
Me : Where ?
Her : Under your nose ?
Me : I don't have one !
Her : Yeahh you do. How can you not know ?
Me : I complimented you and you insult me ?
Her : I said you had a moustache , now, that wasn't an insult.
Me : I'm a GIRL !
Her : I know.
Me : I just said you have nice highlights !
Her : Yeahh , whatever SHE WOLF.
Me : ... T.T

OMG ! ): What is wrong with her ? I didn't even say anything bad about her ! T_T Andd all the other players side with her. It hurts me so much ! Nothing muchh to elaborate now. Self-esteem in jeopardy.

Carol <3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Y 3:11 AM

Wheehee, the 100th POST IS HERE ! Lol. So, today had cross-country. Went to Ahmad Ibrahim to fetch Moesha, Zhi Ning and Hui Xian. They carpool with me. Halfway , suddenly saw Jia Hui's father's car beside us. I didn't notice, until I turned casually and saw Jia Hui smiling really big at me. Told the rest , then all of us turn and wave at her. Like kee siao like that. Anyways , after that, reached Bedok Reservoir ! Goof aroundd a bit withh Zhi Ning and Moesha , then later went to sit down. Sat in front of Jeremy. Chatted. Jeremy's name is JEREMY FROM SINGAPORE(: He asked me where do I think he is from , I said MARS. He said , of all places, I say he came from MARS? I smile and nod like blurblur at him. LOL. Nothing to do whutt. Then tralalalas , moved to the place where we would soon start cross-country. Sat down. Zhi Ning made toys out of twigs and leaves. Pro right ? LOL , I played withh them and accidentally broke one of them. Aww ><" So , the cross-country run , IT WAS SO TIRING. At first was at the back , then chiong up to Saiybahh. With Hui Xian , Salena and Zhi Ning behind. Suddenly I hear very frantic footsteps behindd me. Turned around and saw Zhi Ning running up to me like crazy. So happy to see her. We walked with Saiybah together. Then , we went past Zhang Lao Shi , Zhi Ning started threatening him again. LOL. Then after that , finished the race. Damn thirsty. Asked for water. Nobody give me. Then Yu Xuan offered me his. I took it. Gulped it down eagerly. Then not enoughh , went to bag and took my water bottle , drank like half of it. Then , not enough , went to the store and bought 100-plus. Shared with Momo. When the rest went for dragonboating and kayaking , we watched. Lalalala. Didn't come in first, BUT IT'S OKAY ! :D After the Sports Carnival , went to Northpoint with Momo and Hui Xian. Took one bus and switched two MRTs. Tired. I have sunburn now. Again. THANK YOU SUN ! Sheesh. Hsin Yee is leaving for Taiwan now. EEYER NOT FAIR. Nevermind. Ate lunch with Jeanette , Momo and Hui Xian. Hui Xian had some kindd of hot plate fish, korean. Momo had Kimchi Soup Rice, korean. I had something like Hui Xian's but mine is meat, korean. Jeanette had omelette rice with meat, idk what's that. So after eating lunch , we went to Ishi Mura cuz' Moesha wanted sushi. I can't believe she's never been there before. She said it was like heaven to her as there were so many choices of sushi. So, after buying sushi , went to gift a name. Made a charm bracelet for myself. Costs $8.80. I love it. So cute. Then, went to Popular. Looked at boardgames and stuff. Then went downstairs. Ran into Lini. Then I headed to walk home andd Momo and Hui Xian took bus back to Sembawang. Came on , relax awhile then bathed. Then use comp. Okay. Nothing much to elaborate now.

Carol <3

Saturday, May 22, 2010 Y 8:44 AM

Heyyo readers. I went to watch Shrek Forever After with Zhi Ning and Zheng Hui, her brother. Quite a nice movie. Very funny. So, after we finished the movie, we walked around northpoint. Didn't really buy anything except for my dinner. Well, came home and used the computer. Oh yeah. Someone told me Lady Gaga was satanic. I saw the videos and all. Well ... I don't know whether to believe it or not. I looked up to Lady Gaga and her music so much. I don't know... Well, I think maybe, it's just a coincidence. And someone on youtube posted Paparazzi, one of my favourite songs in reverse and said there were satanic phrases in it. You know, if you are anticipating to hear something, you will think you really heard it. Why don't you do an experiment? Do it with one of your friends. Okay , think of a song in your head, and tap the rhythm. You will think it's really sounding like the song you're thinking, but your friend would not be able to make out what you are tapping. Because your friend don't know what is the song that you are thinking and your friend isn't thinking of it. I don't really know. Kayelean doesn't know either. Sharmaine too. Ohh well , it's none of our business anyways xDD Nothing much to elaborate now.

Carol <3

Friday, May 21, 2010 Y 9:20 AM

Hi(: Myy new blogskin rocks ttm right ? I know ~ I LOVE THH MUSIC. So dreamlike and mysterious. Anyways. Yesterday, my class went for Sculpture Walk at the Singapore River. Awesomeness. I love all the tall tall buildings :D One sculpture is kind of weird. To me. Homage To Newton. Creative but weird. To me. Let's say a lot of boys in our class is very very very fascinated by that sculpture. -cough- I think my favourite sculpture is BIRD ! :D So cute. But people just had to point out it's asshole. Eeyer. Nevermindd. Lol. At the beginning of the trip, Moesha was like, frustrated because it's like so warm. And we're in the town area so there's lots of people. I like learning journeys. Fun. So today in school. First two periods. MATHS. Learnt about number patterns and stuff. Quite okay. Then , it was music. WITH MISS BOH ! Yays ! She let us watch Treasure Planet. Kind of futuristic. I like the morph thingy. So cute. Then after music , PE. Played frisbee. Mr.Loke was really funny. Then after PE, RECESS ! Had chicken chop. Usual. After recess, went up up up to class. SHE , told Hui Xian that she did not like me. I don't like HER either. Actually, almost everybody in our class doesn't like her. But it was quite a shock to me. Even though I didn't like her, I didn't bully her, scold her or whatever. I just like, behave normally. So ... why doesn't she like me ? Is there like, something wrong with my personality ? O.O I just like, don't talk to her unless she talks to me. And when she talks to me, I reply her nicely. Soo ... I don't really know what's going on. Anyways, later, it was Literature. But Miss.Chang came in thinking that she was supposed to teach us history. Lol. She missed us too too too much. Then, after Literate ( we watched a bit of Animal Farm ) was Science. Did science workbook practices all the way until the end of the lesson. Then other pupils get to go home. But I HAVE CHOIR ! Ruthra and Ming Searn too. I dragged Ruthra to cheers with me. I wanted to see if they sold hair conditioners. I seriously need them. But nope. So we walked to chong pang, and went into iecon. Also don't have. Then nevermindd, go back to school. Blah. Waited for choir to start. Then , Miss. Ong suddenly wanted to test me. Then I got sent to Soprano 2 ._. I felt so confused there, after choir, I went to ask Miss.Ong if I could go back to the Altos. With Ruthra, Shu Heng and Xiu Ting. She allowed. Yay. I was GLAD. I really didn't know what to sing for Soprano. Anyways, after that , went home. Slept from like 7 to 9. LOL. At night. I actually took a nap at night. Awesomeness. Then , lalalala use computer. Until now. Whee. Okay. Nothing much to elaborate now. Going to watch movie with Darlie tomorrow. Oya, and Zheng Hui. Okayy . Byee .

Carol <3

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Y 12:47 AM

Heyya peepos. Sorry myy blog is kindaa messy now. I'm going to redo it like maybe on Friday night ? BEAR WITH IT ! ): Anyways , here are part of my MYE results >< I did ... uhhh . Okayokay (:

Literature - A2
Home Economics - A1
Science - A2
History - A1
Chinese(2) - A1
Maths - Fail ._.
Geography - Fail ._.

Nthh muchh to elaborate for now

Carol <3

Sunday, May 16, 2010 Y 7:22 AM

Hellos. I went to Malaysia yesterday. Hehe. Went to San Yi's house first. Saw Bernard, San Yi and Uncle. Uncle was about to go to work. Aww. Then , Er Yi came. With Long Long. Then , XIAO YI came ! Yay. She was wearing a nice shirt. Bling bling yeahhs. Goofed around with BERNARD. Xiao Yi went home and changed. To another bling bling shirt. LOL. We went to Tian Qing first. But no space. So we went to Johor Jaya's Family Foodcourt. Ate. Chatted. Laughed. Played with ice. Bernard was like, having so muchh fun with my handphone playing with the bowling game. Okay, maybe I was playing too. But nevermind. LOL. Then afterwards, XIAO YI ZHANG came. Sat with Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi was drooling over Mummy's ring. LOL. Then , after we ate and stuff , we went to another coffee shop. Xiao Yi Zhang ordered FROG ? Okay. I don't know what it's called in english. Toad or Frog or something. Anyways , don't get grossed out. It's very common. Then they chatted and stuff. Then Xiao Yi Zhang ate alone because everyone was already full from eating at family food court. Then he went to the toilet. Very long alr still haven't come back. Mummy joke and say maybe he fall inside the toilet bowl. Or maybe he sit on the toilet bowl then just fall asleep alr. LOL. Then Bernard went to look for him, he actually bumped into a friend and was chatting with him. Lol. KNEW IT ! Then , reached San Yi's house at about , 1.45am ? Then goofed , bathed , brushed teeth and stuff until like about 2am +. Daddy fell asleep first. San Yi and mummy were sitting in the kitchen chatting as San Yi did some handicraft or something. They chatted until like 3.30am ++ ?! I didn't know because I already fell asleep. Well, nothing much to elaborate now. I think tomorrow we're getting our exam results. Ohh goshh. Hahas.

Carol <3

Friday, May 14, 2010 Y 10:54 AM

Time Check : 1.54am. Hehes. Hellos people. Tomorrow, will be "waking up" really early cuz my Uncle is going to Sarawak and I think my family is going to Malaysia , Johor. Yay can see Bernard again. Next month will rock ttm! My uncle is thinking of bringing the whole family on a vacation at Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. -Cheers- Everyone is asleep now. Spent almost the whole day chatting with Kayelean. LOL. Why can't my cabbage speak spanish?! ): MUCHACHO! LMAO. That made me LOL for the rest of the day. Kayelean too. COCOMEN ! Hehe. Lots of people don't understand these. But Kayelean does. LOL. Tralalalalas. Time check (AGAIN) : 1.56AM. Well, gonna go play NEOPETS now. If you have an account, add me. MusiqueCarol. Okay TTYL !

Carol <3

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Y 7:32 AM

Heylos. Today , I went to Rynell's house. Saw Emily and Swee Xiang and Rynell. Shock when I entered. Kind of fell of Rynell's bed ._. Funny story. Then, all went to Northpoint. Waited for Iffah and Lefei. Iffah came. Loved her top. Lefei came awhile later. Then suddenly Faiz came. And a guy called Mitchell. Walked around Northpoint. So-so. Then they went to SSC and I went to Long John to buy food for Kayelean. Then went to Kayelean's house. FUN. Watched iCarly, True Jackson VP and Drake And Josh. Then, went to Kayelean's room. With Kleio. We were talking about poltergiests. Then suddenly there's this "UMPHHH" sound outside Kayelean's window. Then Kayelean is like : "Did you hear that?" Then I was like still clueless, then say "Maybe it was me, the squeaky sound from your bed?" Then Kayelean's like : " No ... Th umphhh sound outside " Then we stared at each other, started screaming. Jumped off the bed and ran to Kayelean and held each other. Then Kleio's like so excited. She started clinging on to me ._. Ouch. Chatted. Looked through Kayelean's notebooks. I loved her photo album. Inside filled withh lots of cool stuff. Dried rose petals were stuck onto her notebook. Loving it. Supposed to go home at 6.30. But drag until 6.45. Then drag until 7. Hehe. Then when I was supposed to go. I was kind of reluctant. Hehe. Then I stood outside. Wore my shoes. Wanted to walk. Realized I wore wrong shoes on wrong sides xD Hehe. Slippers also can wear wrong. So pro uhh me. Then Kayelean started laughing like crazy. Me too. Kleio was laughing too. But I bet she didn't know what was going on. Lol. Then lalala. Went to mama shop. Bought drink. Then went home. Ate dinner. Then SMS Kayelean. Of course. Now still sms-ing. Pro right? I know. Hehe. Kayelean wants a beach party for her birthday. I want to go. Then maybe her mom will invite the Justin Bieber look-alike. Oooh. Hehe. Then I can ask for his number ... FOR KAYELEAN . xDD Ahem ahem. Hehes. Nothing much to elaborate now.

Carol <3

Monday, May 10, 2010 Y 3:11 AM

Todayy ... after finishedd myy Englishh Paper 2 , fell asleep. LOL. It's like so comfortable yeahhs , almost everyone fell alseep. Darlie wanted to sleep but couldn't fall asleep. Hehe. I woke up when Miss.Toww said " 5 MINUTES LEFT ! EVERYONE WAKE UP ! WAKE UP ~ " Hehe . She also noticed a lot of people sleeping eyhh ? Then recess . Ate chicken chop. Spreaded mashed potato over garlic bread(as usual) Delicious. Thenn went to bookshop. Buyy pen then went to class. Waited for chinese exam. Lalalalala. Thenn duringg th chinese paper 2, Mr Loke suddenlyy come. I'm like so scared of him. Dunno why. JUST FOUND OUT , DURING SPORTS CARNIVAL , MUST RUN 4.1KM ! How ?! 2.4km I'm alreadyy like goingg to faint alr ! T_T Aiyee ... Still have 16 days still the Sports Carnival. MUST TRAIN HARD TO BUILD UP MYY STAMINA ! Startingg tmr , must exercise for like 45 minutes. Or else myy stamina too weak cannot run 4.1km. Aishh. Tomorrow is the last paper. MATHS PAPER 2 ! One of myy weakest subjects. I'm prepared to get C5. Lol. Then after tomorrow , NO SCHOOL ! Yayys. Wednesdayy going Long John withh Lefei , Rynell . I think dearie coming also. KAYELEAN ! I want Kayelean to come. She don't know if can. Then will buyy Rynell's BOF album for her. Supposed to be her birthday present . Drag until like MAY ! Lol her bdayy February 11 siahhh ! Then Fridayy , Jiu Jiu come backk . YAY ! (: Thursday is left blankk. Don't knoww what to do on that dayy. Don't want to waste thh dayy leyhhs ! Anyyws . I'm boredd noww . Lol . Nothingg muchh to elaboratee .

Carol <3


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♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
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