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Thursday, June 24, 2010 Y 3:48 AM

Heyhoos heyhoos ! Came back from MALAYSIA ! Okayy. Let's start from a long long long long long long time before I went to Malaysia , when the fun started.

1st day ( 10th June )
My uncle came back in the morning at about 6am+ , surprising all of us ! I thought that he would be coming back on 11th June , Friday. Turned out , I got it wrong. Hehes. He brought Jia Jia Jie Jie back with him for the very first time. I got my sneakers and MP3 Player. My bro got his MP4. I was kinda shyy at first to Jia Jia Jie Jie , but then we hit it off really well and became great friends. Imagine that , my uncle's fiancee , my good friend. Waited for my uncle to come back from work , then at night , the three of us went to Northpoint to have dinner. Then lalala went home.

2nd day ( 11th June )
Nothing muchh happened. Just shopping here and there I guess. And waited for my youngest aunt to come to Singapore. She ROCKS. I skipped choir as we all went out together.

3rd day (12th June )
Yay! Going to Singapore Zoo ... But didn't get to. Halfway there , it started raining. So Xiao Yi and Jia Jia Jie Jie dashed in and checked what time it closed, then dashed into the car again. Decided to go the next day. We went to Jurong Point and shopped. My uncle and Jia Jia Jie Jie decided to look at some wedding rings. And then had dinner. Laaaaaaaaaa.

4th day ( 13th June )
Went to the SINGAPORE ZOO ! Looked at some animals , then it started raining. We decided to run in the rain to the Polar Bear enclosure , where we can hide from the rain. Then went on to see the other animals. Then went home. Had dinner. Lalala. Then, we went to have supper at around midnight. Fishballs at 925. My uncle talked about some scary stories. Then , went home. Sat down at about 2am ++ when everyone has bathed and stuff. Me, Jiajia Jiejie , Uncle , and Xiao Yi sat down in a room and talked about scary ghosts encounters , while I listened. It was really scary. We talked until about 4am and everyone went to bed. Jiajia jiejie was a bit scared, but she fell asleep anyway. But I was so scared I couldn't sleep. So I used the computer until about 5am + , then lay down for awhile until about 6.30 , then I got up at 6.45am when the sky is already bright.

5th day ( 14th June )
Didn't go for choir. Why ? FAMILY OUTING. Lalalas. Shopped around Orchard Road and then at night , went to Singapore River. We ate at Lau Pa Sar , stingrays , satay , and some jellyfish like stuff . But it's actually a plant. After eating then go to Singapore River. Took pictures. SAW THE 6-STAR HOTEL , THE FULLERTON HOTEL. Envied the people living in there. Saw the merlion , Singapore Flyer and the Casino. Woots. So beautiful :D Then , found out that I couldn't go to choir the next day , AGAIN because my family is going to Sentosa.

6th day ( 15th June )
Woke up feeling irritated because Tanvi wouldn't stop smsing and calling me. She asked me where I was at like about 8am ++ and I replied her at 8.30am that my family was going out to Sentosa. But then , she wouldn't stop calling me and asking me where I was and telling me to go to choir quick. In the end , she said everyone is waiting for me to go to Sentosa. I told her I already told her my family is going out but she said I didn't. Then blablabla. Me and Jia jia jiejie went to Sentosa ourselves , Uncle will come find us later. We didn't know how to go to Sentosa from vivo city so we aksed and asked and anyhow walked and walked and finally managed to take the Sentosa Express to Beach Station. And from beach station , asked and asked and walked and walked until we boarded the bus to get to underwater world. FINALLY. Jiajia jiejie said we were so pro because we were strangers to the place yet we get to the places so easily. Lalala went to underwater world. SAW PINK DOLPHINS. Jiajia jiejie touched a stingray. Then later , Uncle came and find us. Saw peacocks and monkeys at Sentosa o.o Wonder why they are there. Then went to Siloso Beach. Went to eat at Lau Pa Sar again. Kway Chap. Then my uncle left us to shop at a shopping mall in orchard while he went for a meeting at Pan Pacific Hotel. Then , my uncle told us to take a taxi home. But the taxi wouldn't go to Yishun , so we had no choice but to take the MRT home. We didn't even know where the station was. So we walked , walked , walked . And found Promenade MRT Station. Boarded the MRT and went home after about 1 hour ++ of MRT rides. Then walked home from Northpoint. Got ready to go to Malaysia the next day.


Carol <3

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 Y 8:36 AM

Heyloos. Updatingg on today's day out with Zhi Ningg . Okayhhs , first , went to NP. Met Darliee. Then , we take MRT to causeway point. Went to Chameleon to buy comb. I bought a pink comb. Used Darlie as my guinea pig and made her try a few hairbands :D Played with rings. Then paid for my comb and left. Then , went to More Than Words. Saw Metoo stuff. And carebears. Zhi Ning bought a notebook for her primary one cousin. Lols. Then , went to Timezone. Played on the stimulator(sp). Glacier run. So fun and exciting. Zhi Ning kept shouting : ICE CUBE ! CHASE THE ICE CUBE ! OMG THEY STEAL OUR ICE CUBE ! and then , the ride finish alr. We were gonna get out of the stimulator , but then the door wouldn't open. Panicked a little bit. Pulled the emergency ring thing then the door opened. Wheww. Then went to take Jewella Neoprints. Zhi Ningg tried playing the crane machine. We attempted to grab Chopper from One Piece but failed a few times. Then suddenly , Zhi Ning managed to grab it. Someone shouted 'YES!' from behind for us. We started cheering and jumping around. Then Zhi Ning shouted : TAKE THAT YOU FCKING MACHINE ! then bang the machine. The person who shouted ' YES ! ' laughed. I had to hug Zhi Ning so she would stop. Lol. Then , went to Gift A Name ... Lalalas . Then Minitoons. Lalalas . Then went to Action City . Saw a floating jellyfish thingy. Lalalas . Then after that , went to CD shop. Then Mcdonalds. Walk aroundd. Went to Popular also. Some girl commented on my shirt to her friend ==" Please la. She no fashion sense sayy luhhs . Then went to play Stimulator again. Then went on the MRT to go home. Played with the word " Purrpurr " . So nice to say . Then went separate ways and went home. Lahhs. Nothing much to elaborate now.

Carol <3

Saturday, June 5, 2010 Y 5:06 AM

Hellows people. It's so boring now. Mummy and Daddy went out together to buy dinner. My brother is at the other laptop. Obviously. Zhi Ning not online ): Kayelean also not online. I'm all alone ~ Lols , I'm thirsty. I'm craving for carbonated drinks. Idkk why. Mummy say she will buy the soft rebond thingyy for me after we move. Whee(: I'm so boredd. I want to go to Nathalie's house and see Tequila and watch Incredible Tales ! Kayelean said that she will go with me , but we still don't know when. Anyways , I think anytime also can bahhs. Since Nathalie just live like across the street. I can go to her house in like , 3-5 minutes. Anyways. Had Pizza Hut for lunch today. Lols. I love the sweet 'n' spicy drumlets. Taylor Alison Swift rocks. I love her. Lol. SUPRA SNEAKERS ARE LIKE , SO HOT ! Lols. Kayelean love the silver and blue ones. As for me , I saw a pair of hot pink supra sneakers. I love them. Nothing much to elaborate now.

Carol <3

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Y 7:51 AM

Holaa peepos. Currently having nothing to do , so I decided to BLOG ! So , just now daddy told me that I couldn't go to choir tomorrow. Ohhs xDD Can stayy upp! Yays. So , I decided to meet up with Darlie on Thursday. Maybe just for a while. I'm currently listening to a Taylor Swift Medley sung by Tiffany Alvord. Awesomeness. So tomorrow , going to housing board. And then going to Malaysia. Jiu Jiu is coming back on the 10th of JUNE ! Countdown! I can finally get my canvas handpainted shoes. Wooooohhhs. 9 MORE DAYS ! Awws , Taylor Swift is so pretty x) -RANDOMRANDOM- Anyws . How come nobody update blog ? Shall go bloghopping ltr . Shall bathe AGAIN at 11.30 in cold water. To stay awake andd the weather is so HOT AND HUMID ! When Jiu Jiu and Jia Jia jiejie come , I shall watchh Incredible Tales. Muahahaha! :P I feel sorry for those who had those scary encounters o_o Anyways , my brother suddenly had this obsession with RUNESCAPE again. Aww. No more GUNBOUND ? Wells , I'm still craving for Auditon :3 Shall download tomorrow. It takes freaking 7 HOURS ! Why?! ._. Bearbear made me really angry just now. He wasn't like last time , so enthusiastic and all , playing and chatting wif me. Bearbear was like very emo and like buayy songg just now ._. BEARBEAR , WHY?! ._. I shall unblock him ltr. Aishh. Maybe I will go play Habbo agn after this. HABBO US. More people , more fun. ._. But some people there are very superficial. They mock the non-hcs. HEYY ! Come and playy other habbos and you can't have HC there , you wanna let the people there mock you ? Oh yahh , DARLIE GOT A CLOCK FOR $1 O.O Okayhhs , nthh muchh to elaborate noww. BYES !

Carol <3


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That girl.

Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

♥ - Singing & Listening to music.
♥ - Shopping.
♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
♥ - Hanging out with my amis.
♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


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