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Thursday, July 22, 2010 Y 4:45 AM

Hellows peepos! Today, school was quite cool. First period was Maths. It was pretty okay. Wasn't that boring. Then, it was MT . Zhi Ning came and sit beside me. Hurrah ! And Xie Lao Shi had no objections ^^ Then after MT, RECESS ! I had chicken porridge. So did Zhi Ning. We added the dark soy sauce. Yummy. I saw one guy, he put like everything inside. There was this container full of seaweed there. HE JUST POUR ALMOST EVERYTHING INSIDE. Me and Zhi Ning were like, GASP ! Lols. Then after recess, ART. Presented our oversized object :) It was okay. Hahas . After ART , it was Literature I think. Mr.Rama didn't come, so we played around. Zhi Ning drew me a lovely picture :) Hehes. Then it was science. Went the lab. It was different with what we always go to. It had a nice view of the terrace houses and bungalows outside AI . It was bright and nice. My lab partner was ... -drumroll- ZHI NING ! Obviously. YAYS ! :D The crystals we were waiting for were finally ready. They were really pretty. Well, someone spat inside the crystals and Yu Xuan, worrying about other people's hygene, he threw away the crystals. But he got scolded by Miss.Tow. I felt so sorry for him. HE JUST WANTED TO HELP ! Anyways, nothing much to elaborate now. :) Byes.

Carol <3


Monday, July 19, 2010 Y 8:17 PM

Currently posting at computer lesson. Have nothing much to elaborate now. I will update when I get home. Ohhkays. Bye :D


Thursday, July 8, 2010 Y 1:14 AM

Hellows people! Currently posting because I have nothing much to do now. So. Let me tell you about MY DAY! :D First period, we had MATHS. Did some work. Blahs. And then after Maths, we had Chinese. Did some chinese workbook thingys. And then after Chinese, it was RECESS ! Had chicken chop again. Usual. Spreaded my mashed potato, gravy and some chilli on top of the garlic toast. It may sound gross but it's good. And drank a cup of Ice blueberry. And then bought sushi and went to the bookshop. Bought a navy blue pen. I love it. And then we had art. Miss.Chia didn't come so we got a replacement teacher. We had to draw what we love. I drew musical notes, baby spongebob, sushi and lots of other things. And then we had Literature, then Science and then went home. Teacher almost put me sit with PEGGY. But didn't :DDDDD . Lols. Nothing much tuhh elaborate now. OH YEAH, GOING TO KAYELEAN'S PARTYPARTYPARTY TOMORROW ! Long time since I went to a party. The last one was my mother's friend's CNY party where I tried drinking ONE SIP of red wine. And ate mashed salmon. -shivers- . Okayhs , really GTG now. Toodles(:

Carol <3

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 Y 7:24 AM

Hellows people(: Currently playing Cafe Life on facebook, waiting for my lemon surprise cupcake to finish cooking and my cappuccino to finish brewing. So, today. Had the health check. Weird. I remember one week ago or so, Mr.Loke took my height and it actually decreased by 1cm and it became 1.69m. But then, today, the nurse took my height, and it became 1.71m ! Increased by 2cm ! Yays ! And then went for the backbone check thingy. I have no comments on that. Lol. Well, I have to go to some clinic or something to get another check on my backbone. And my height ._. They say I'm too tall. The same thing happened when I was in Primary 5. I had to go to Singapore General Hospital , they took my height and weight , my parents' height and weight and stuff. I'm kind of nervous about it. Anyways, then we have the 2.4km run. At some park, not in school. Saiybah said walking there was about 1km. And then we ran for 2.8km. Extra 0.4km. I was really dying. Why ? I was dying of thirst. I had to run 2.8 there, walk 2.8 back. And then , we had to walk another 1km to get back to school. My throat was hurting so much and I thought I could just faint. But luckily I didn't. I reached school, bought a can of sportswater and gulped it down in 1 minute as I entered my uncle's car. Went home, had a packet of sugarcane juice within one minute. And then had a glass of coke. And then 3 bottles of vitagen. Can you imagine my thirst? I was really very thirsty there, I thought I could just die. My lips went so dry. Nothing much to elaborate now. Okay bye.

Carol <3

Sunday, July 4, 2010 Y 9:05 PM

Okay , I know I'll post about Malaysia , but I'm kinda lazy to do that now. Hehes. I'll do it some other time , OKAY. Anyways, like myy new blogskin ? I kinda love it . And , OMGGs ! We're gonna watchh Eclipse on Kayelean's birthday. Countdown : 4 days <3 I absolutely LOVE Booboo Stewart . He is like , as hot as Taylor Daniel Lautner , right ? HIS PACK IS LIKE , WOW . Love him <3 xD But not as much as DAVID ARCHULETA ! I'm supposed to go to Nathalie's house later . But now , she's at some sky park or somethingg , idk. Currently waiting for either Kayelean or Danielle to come online. Waiting, waiting and waiting! I'm so gonna text Kayelean later . School's gonna begin AGAIN , tomorrow. Today is the Youth Day holiday. Boringg. Someone just textedd moi o.o . Lemme see who it is . Oh, it's Salena, asking me what to do for Art. I was hoping it would be Nathalie or Kayelean. OH ! I received another text . Lemme see . IT'S NATHALIE ! :P Lols . I'm gonna ask her what time she's come back. Lol she said she dks . Anyws , I gotta go . My brother's gonna use the laptop . Since the other laptop is lent to a friend . Okay wells, toodles now !

Carol <3


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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

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