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Monday, August 30, 2010 Y 3:34 AM

Heys heys people! Currently posting as I wait for Zhining's reply. She hasn't replied my texts since the afternoon. How odd D: But nevermind. I'm sure she will reply me later. Sometimes, she's like that when she's taking naps. Anyway, I'm planning on going to Starbucks and Splashpark with Nathalie and Kayelean tomorrow. Maybe Sharmaine want to follow too ^~^ Then it'll be awesome F-U-N again. Just like on Saturday. I feel like having the korean food from the food mall. Hehes. So today in school, it was pretty okay. First, had Chinese. It was okay. Nothing special. Beh. And then had English. Quite fun. But not THAT fun. After English, RECESS! Had the usual. After recess, it was D & T , oddly , it was extremely fun. I'm starting to like it. After D & T , it was MATHS. It was also fun. Then the fire alarm went off. We had to go and assemble at the field. It was freaking suckish. We had to sit down on the grass that is filled with io insects and stuff. None of us wanted to sit, we all squatted. Until I couldn't take it anymore and sat down. After that, I went home. Hehes. Used the computer for almost the whole afternoon. Ohyeah, Zhining and I each bought an animal keychain from the bookshop. Zhining's one is a kangaroo and mine is a koala. AUSTRALIAN ANIMALS! Okehhs, nthh much to elaborate now. Toodles ! ^-^

Carol <3

Sunday, August 29, 2010 Y 7:28 AM

Hihies people! Currently posting because I'm bored. Hehes. I just ordered a cookie monster tee from Amanda's blogshop! Isn't that awesome? I love cookie monster. My msn display picture is now cookie monster. I'm going to ask my uncle to buy me a pair of cookie monster shorts I saw too. Yays. Imagine how nice it'll look, wearing the cookie monster tee, cookie monster shorts and a blue hairband. Awesome. It'll look all matchy matchy. Hahas. A lot of people still prefer elmo though. So, I went to Malaysia with mummy and daddy this morning. I bought some Vanilla Teabags. Tried it. It tasted pretty cool. I was having a hard time whether to choose Caramel Tea or Vanilla Tea. In the end, chose Vanilla. Hahas. So yesterday, had an outing with Nat, Kaye and Sharmaine. We went food shopping at cold storage, then we went to the park near northpoint to have a "picnic" . After that, we got bored and went to Splash Park. Fun-ness. After we had enough fun in the water, we went to dry up. We went into this room that is not authorised, and we got chased out by the security guard. LOLS. It was so epic. Then we went to Starbucks. Kaye, Nat and Sharmaine all had Caramel Frappes while I had Ice Green Tea Latte. Loving it. We experimented with the free vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate and milk. Lols. After that, Nat and Kaye went home so Sharmaine and I continued to walk around Northpoint. Chatted, laughed, ate at Pastamania. Then walked to my void deck and sat down at the chess table there, then chatted more. Saw my brother walk into the lift. We both waved at him, then he ignored us. Awwww. Hahas. After that went home and bathed and relaxed. Okay, I wanna go lie down on the bed and relax while I fall asleep now :D Toodles!

Carol <3

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Y 12:30 AM

Heyoos peepos! A lot has happened since I last postedd xDD . So let me write them out here. Hehhs. Okayhhs. So on Saturday, went to downtown east chalet for barbecue with ershu, xiaoshu, gugu, guzhang, daddy, mummy, rongkai and my uncles' girlfriends. So nice sehhs. COSTA SANDS RESORT FTW. We saw an injured kitten D: It's feet was pink, the meat was showing. Someone ran it over with a bicycle I think. We kept feeding cuz' it's like so poor thing. But later, it's brother, another kitten, that looks the same as him, came out from the bushes. And it was perfectly mine. They started playing and running around. So it seems like the kitten's injured paw wasn't that bad. Since they could play and run. I was so glad. I think the kittens are extremely clever to go to costa sands resort. Because everyday, people will be barbecue-ing and they will feed them. Clever kitties. Then, I went into the room while the rest of them are still barbecue-ing outside. I played with ershu's iphone. Monopoly world edition. Then I played with rongkai's Ipod Touch. YES HE HAS AN IPOD TOUCH. AND HIS 4 YEARS OLD. I played flick fishing. I fell in love with it. So fun. My daddy and gu zhang bothh love the fishing game. That day was fun. Ohya, I had a bar of crunchie on the way there xDD . Okayyh , shall post about school now.

I woke up, feeling perfectly fine and happy, but then Zhi Ning texted me that she's got fever and won't be coming to school. OH NO ! I panicked. So I pretty muchh just sat through the whole day. 'Cuz' Zhi Ning wasn't here. And everything was boring. The chicken chop was tasteless and disgusting. The seaweed wasn't crispy at all and it was tasteless. Maybe it's my own imagination, cuz I miss Zhi Ning too muchh xDD . Anyws , went home, glad. And then called Zhi Ning and watched teevee with her. We texted each other while watching iCarly. Cuz I was lazy to call xDD . At that time, the rain was so hugeeee. It was so freaking coldddd.

Today, I woke up feeling happy again. Thinking that Zhi Ning will come back to school today. I went to school, and waited for her. But she didn't come D: I got emo. I so thought I could see her today. Then went for PE, 2.4km run. It was smoother than any other day. Except when we got back to the field, YY sprayed water and my whole back was drenched. Screamed at him then went to complain to Jeremy. Lol. Actually I just pulled his softball glove. That's all. After PE, Geography test. It was easy, I guess. Then chatted with Jeremy while we waited for Mr.Rama to come. Jeremy made up this song and sang it : WATER PLUS DIRT EQUALS MUD ! WATER PLUS DIRT EQUALS MUD ! WATER PLUS DIRT EQUALS MUD MUD MUD ! I'm like, WTH Jeremy, WTH ? Then he just laughed. Okeh, Mr.Rama came. The lesson was okayokay. I felt like doodling, but it wasn't fun without Zhi Ning. So I decided not to. After literature, it was Music. Quite okay. We learnt about hiphop. YEAHHS. Lols. And then it was recess. Behh, food doesn't taste good cuz' zhi ning wasn't here. Then ICT, sat and did nothing muchh. Zhi Ning wasn't here to play with me. So, yeahh ... Pretty boringg. Then after ICT, it was history. I got 84 marks for me CA2. Same as Zhi Ning. Yay. After history, it was SCIENCE. Science test, wasn't that bad. Except for the last page. Behh. And then PC2 . Ms Tow said get into groups. I wanted to get into groups with Jeremy, but Benjamin was like, " JEREMY I BOOK YOU ! " I'm like : WTH YOU PIECE OF MEAT. But anyws, went emo again. Went to ask Miss.Tow if I could wait for Zhi Ning to come back and do together with her. She said okay. So I went to sit beside Ruthra. Then Hui Xian tot I joining their group. So I ended up joining them... So is Zhi Ning. Okehhs. Then went home. Nothing muchh to elaborate anymore. Okehhs bye :D


Sunday, August 15, 2010 Y 12:53 AM

This post is dedicated to my Best Friend Forever, Miss. Goh Zhi Ning. I love you :D ♥

Thank you for tolerating my nonsense. Sometimes I get moody, and I don't talk to you, but you still care for me like you always do. I'm so sorry D: I will always always always always love you. No matter what you will always always always always be my bestest friend forever and ever and ever. Some people say we won't last, but don't worry. We will. We'll show them. Even the best of friends must part, eff that quote. We will not part. Wherever you go and whatever you do, I'll always be there supporting you.

Side by side, or miles apart, you'll always stay inside my heart♥



Thursday, August 12, 2010 Y 3:40 AM

Lalalas. Heyloos. Yesterday went to republic poly for the journey of the youth olympic flame thingy. I like the school. There's subway and 7-11 inside. Omgs, it's huge la. Even bigger than 2 shopping centres put together. Even bigger. Anyways. Hung there for like, the whole day. Came back home and finally found Shu Heng's FB. Lols. Anyway. I'm kinda lazy to elaborate now. TTYL.


Saturday, August 7, 2010 Y 7:00 AM

Heysheys peepos. Currently chatting and playing with Zhi Ning. I was video-calling her earlier. FUN-NESS(: Anyways. Nothing much to talk about now. Lalalalalas. Long weekend, my fav(: I am craving for PIZZA HUT ! Actually, I should be showering now, but I'm lazy. But I will. Hehs. Gimme 15 minutes more. I want to chat with Zhi Ning. I want to watch another movie with her D: So we can make fun of the movie together. Aren't we awesome? Yeah, I know we are. Performed yesterday for National Day. Shall elaborate about that next time. I'm lazy now. Guess what? I'm gonna stay up today! :D I'm not gonna sleep. Well, at least try. My uncle's gonna get married on December 4. I can't perform on Cantare 3 anymore. But nevermind, Zhi Ning cheered me up :D Idk what my grandma is complaining to her friend about now ._. But all I have to do is ignore it. Lols. OHH ! She's talking to her friend about toilet paper offers. Aw. So cute. Lols. Nvms. Nothing much to elaborate now. Okays, toodles!

Carol <3

Monday, August 2, 2010 Y 3:59 AM

Heysheys. Sorry for not posting these few days. Was kindaa ... uhmmms ... didn't have the mood to post xD Busy watchingg FRED ! And the ANNOYING ORANGE. They rock manzxc. Really brighten up my day. Anyways ... Today's MONDAY ._. Which means tomorrow is TUESDAY. Which means, there is 2.4km run. Man, really hope I pass this time. I heard that there's gonna be the 5 items test on THURSDAY. Oh gosh, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO PULL-UPS. I just grab the thingy and I'll be like just, hanging there. Not being able to do anything. And the STANDING BROAD JUMP . Don't even make me get started on that. Gawsh. Anyways, moving AWAYY from that topic ... Today was kind of fun. Started out with Mother Tongue. XIE LAO SHI DIDN'T COME :D . Hehs . And then it was English . There were exchange students from shanghai in our class. Makes me miss the Hong Kong trip we had. ANYWAY. After EL , D & T . Was pretty okay . After that it was MATHS. Funnnnyyyy. Zhi Ning made a clover, but then she asked Mr. Elfie what it was, Mr. Elfie actually thought it was a MONKEY. Like, wth manzxc ?! Lols . After that, National Day Performance rehearsal. FUN. Okays. Nothing much to elaborate now. Byes :D



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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

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