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Friday, October 29, 2010 Y 5:35 AM

Heyloos people ! Just read something that kinda ruined my mood , maybe I'll call MOYISA later. She always cheers me upp. Anyws , Mochi lent me her Nintendo DS , which rocks. Anyws , it's the holidays now , came back from choir just now , around 5. It was epic. Me and Ruthra was walking and it suddenly started to rain , so we found a shelter , Ruthra took out her umbrella and opened it up. But when we went out into the rain , Ruthra's skirt started blowing everywhere , and her umbrella was blown UPSIDE DOWN (: I laughed. Then , went home lalalalas . Then played COOKING MAMA 2 ^^v . Then while I'm playing Taiko Drum Master , Jolin called me , duh . Lol . Hsinyee's in china now. BUY ME PRESENT :D HARHAR. Nothing much to elaborate on now. TOODLES !

Carol Evangelyn <3

You'll never understand.

Sunday, October 24, 2010 Y 7:35 AM

Hello people ! Today was kinda fun. I woke up, went to use the laptop and chatted with wenqi(: Chatted for awhile until huixian called me and told me that we were going to play tennis. I was shocked because Momo said that it was cancelled yesterday. Then huixian said that momo said that she wanted to call me, but I think she forgot. So, I had my brunch , prawn noodle soup , and rushed to northpoint to take the mrt. But then , huixian called and said momo said that it was cancelled again because it was going to rain. I was like, wtf ._. then I told her I'm already at northpoint. So, she told me to meet her at 3.30pm , but at that time, it was only 12.30. I had to wait for that huixian for 3 hours. So, I walked around, and went to Minitoons to buy a cute lil bunny pencil case. Heehees(: It's a black bunny with pink eyes, nose and mouth. So darn cute! And then, went to popular to buy a notebook and a pen so I could go to ishi mura to sit down and write. After writing one diary entry and one box of sushi, I texted Nathalie saying that maybe I should go to her house. Then she said that she was coming to northpoint with danielle. I was so happy xDD . Okays , then went to popular to wait for nathalie and danielle. Read a few magazines. Then we went to minitoons and played around. Then we went to Nathalie's house. At Nathalie's house, huixian called me to tell me to meet her earlier, so I had to walk to the MRT station again, holding Nathalie's keys. Then I handed huixian the gameboy. After that, I went back and nathalie and danielle said that they were watching Jennifer's Body. So we watched together. Pretty cool. After that , we played with Nat's hamsters, Tequila and Cookie. Cookie looks so small and fragile , while Tequila looks so fat and healthy , a wombat. According to Sharmaine. So after that, we went down to the petrol station to buy food. Nathalie bought cup noodles, some kind of juice with nata de coco or sth , and a packet of barbecue twisties for her brother. I bought a small packet of cheetos and a tomato-flavoured twistie. But after that, Danielle got to go :( So Nathalie and I went back up ourselves. We used the laptop there, watched The Simpsons and watched a little bit of I Am Legend on teevee. And then I went home at like about 7.45pm (: Nathalie gave me a wallet , it was a metal-framed wallet. I loved it. But she used it before :l But nevermind. It's in good condition. So , there's nothing much to elaborate on now. Toodles !

Carol Evangelyn <3

Saturday, October 23, 2010 Y 4:41 AM

Hellows. I am majorly bored right now (: My dinner was macoroni in spaghetti sauce. WITHOUT MEAT. Omgs, how can pasta have no meat ? Okayhhs , nevermindds . I'm currently using my mummy's laptop ._. Lalalalas. Jolin's calling me ! Okayhhs , continue posting later! Okayhhs back (: Lalalalas. I'm still loving [ Just The Way You Are ] Heehees(: Short post. Nthh muchh to elaborate on right now. Toodles !

Carol Evangelyn <3

Y 1:56 AM

Wow , I'm really posting a lot now. It's because I'm bored. Anyways, I just ordered 3 watches for my clique from Nathalie's blogshop ! I'm so excited ! I ordered a yellow one for Jolin , a skyblue one for Momo and a babypink one for myself. I'm so excited to see them ! And, Jolin called me just now to tell me that she's walking to her tuition and that she has to tell her tuition teacher her mathematics score. She did so well ! Anyws , it's raining right now. Hopefully, the haze will clear. I'm so bored. I have decided to study realreal hard for next year and get an L1R5 of less than 12. I've got 10 last time , but now, I've gotten 16 ! Ohmygodd :( Here's my (unrealistic) goals :D I want to beat these people in these subjects ( Kindaa ... )

History - Jolin
Literature - Zhining
Geography - Raj
Science - Jeremy
Chinese - Hsin Yee
Maths - Ruthra
English - Moesha

Yeaaaaa , that's all I can remember now , and ohmy, how unrealistic it is . Lols . Okayhhs , nothingg muchh to elaborate on now. TOODLES !

Carol Evangelyn <3

Friday, October 22, 2010 Y 9:45 PM

Good afternooooon people :D I just woke up at like, 12, I guess ? Tskk . Heehees(: I had fried fish beehoon for brunchh , with a nice cool glass of cola. I know cola as the first beverage of the day is unhealthy , but it's just one time yeahhs ! The bukit timah hill trek is cancelled because of the haze :( SCREW YOU HAZE, SCREW YOU! I wanted to meet Momo :( Nevermindd, I'm going to play tennis with Momo and Jolin <( that's huixian incase y'all don't know ) tomorrow . I have to lend Jolin my gameboy , together withh my MARIO. But nevermind. I'm excited for Monday. Maybe can watch movie, and we can stuff our faces with candy again. I want to tell Hsin Yee to buy gobstoppers everlasting again ! Candies in class ftw (: Hee heheeeeees. Hmms , nothing to do now. Nevermind, I'll find something to do. Okayhhs , nothingg muchh to elaborate on noww . TOODLES ! Ohyeah , I changed my facebook name to Carol Evangelyn Etoiles (:

Carol Evangelyn <3

Y 7:46 AM

Heyloos peoples ! This is the third time I'm posting for today. And yes, I am just that bored (: And this post , will be a little dedication post for the people who have been here supporting me in my life , through some really really dark moments. Of course, there's too many people to list, I'm grateful to a lot of people , but here are just a few kind-of important ones.

Thanksyouhhs ; RMoeshaChan♥
Thanks Momo, truckloads. Thankyou for being here when I'm having one of the darkest moments of secondary school. You helped me through the darkness and into a beautiful well-lit path, and you promised that you'll always be with me, I was really touched when I heard that, thankyou soso much, and I love you(:

Thankyouhhs ; JolinYeoHuiXian♥
Thankyous Jolin, for being here too. And even though you don't really like to show, uhmm ... your love ? I know that you care :D I can't describe how thankful I am to have you as one of my best friends. You're a really beautiful girl. I think that one of the many reasons that we get along, is that we both love singing and music, don't we? Well, anyway , I'm glad that you're here with me. Thanks truckloads , and I love you(:

Thankyouhhs ; GohZhiNing♥
Thankyou my crazy Darlie. Even though we have had rough times, we still made it through. And even though we're not as close anymore, I want you to know that I still love you no matter what. You've always been standing up for me, and you've always been understanding of me. We're bothh one and the same , and I will never forget that. Thankyou soso much, and I love you(:

Thankyouhhs ; MochiTeoWenqi♥
Thankiies , my Kogepan. You are probably the one who has helped me the most through school life. We have known each other since Primary 1 , and our relationship is still as close, and I'm very thankful. You've been helping me since Primary school , and sometimes , I failed to appreciate you. I'm sorry , thankyou , and I love you so much(:

Y 2:26 AM

Hola people. Total boredom now that MOYISA is busy , HUIXIAN is at Chinese Orchestra and stuff. Tsk. Like the name MOYISA ? It's Moesha actually. Lols. Well, just bathed, and there's nothing to do now. Last friday this time, I would be getting ready to go to Malaysia. Now , total boredom . Got nothing to do on the laptop. Maybe will watch Love Blossoms II later. Lols, so auntie, but nevermind. There's nobody to chat with. I wanna buyy habbo credits , so I can play habbo and chat withh people all over the worldd. Haishh . $12. I will buy. Heehee (: Auditionsea is so boring now . Maple , nobody to play with . :l I want to eat fried wanton ~ Heeeeee(: Anyws , SCHOOL IS AWESOME :D 2010 might be one of the BEST SCHOOL YEARS in my life , thanks to my awesome clique. Moesha said we're orangutan sthsth. Okay , whatever that is , I love it (: LOVEDIE CLIQUEEEE ~ Okayhs , nthh muchh to elaborate on now. Tooodles.

Carol <3

Y 12:51 AM

Hellows people(: Today was kinda nice. I didn't go for choir today because of my throat :l the haze is affecting so many people, even Ruthra. My eyes are also tearing. There's so many phlegm in my throat now. Gosh. Anyws, I'm still in my uniform. Heehee :P Lazypig~ I'm listening to Bruno Mars' Just The Way You Are. So romantic :D Today , we saw the secondary 4 graduating ceremony. When I saw how they cried , I almost cry siaa. Poor things. Luckily , I'm still in Sec 1 ^^ So today , first period was science. We watched happyfeet. While watching , Hui Xian , Momo and I were stuffing our faces with candy :D Teacher didn't even notice. Hehhs. So after science , it was chinese. We watched Crayon Shinchan, so epic. And after that, recess. Had curry noodles with two crabsticks and one fried wanton. After recess, it was English. It was kinda like free period, though Mdm Koh tried to play a video but it couldn't work, so yeah. Then after that, went for the graduating ceremony. Ohyahhs, some extra person in my clique , told one of the person in my clique , that I'm extra :D Just because I never lend her comb lor. My comb is precious de, who want to lend YOU? Anyws , Hui Xian , Momo and Hsin Yee all think you're the extra one lor, so fishh off and go find your own friends. Your hair sucks, btw. Mehehehe :B Okehhs , nothing much to elaborate on now. Byes. Toodles !

Carol <3

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Y 5:33 AM

Hellows people ! Todayy has been veryvery fun. First, I went to class and saw HuiXian, Momo and Hsinyee sitting at one table. I went over and HuiXian started talking about the child's eye , the horror movie that she already watched. WITHOUT US. Emphasis on the WITHOUT us. Hees, nevermind la nevermind la ~ As she was telling it , Hsinyee got freaked out. Mehehe :B Then Moesha and I were like, super interested. After that, Miss Tow came. We went back to our seats. First period was english , but Mdm Koh didn't come , so went to sit with my clique. After that, it was PE. Played with Momo and HuiXian, quite fun. After that, history, got tobleroneeee! ^^ Yummyumms ~ After history , it was Maths , two period , but Mr. Elfie didn't come , so we got free period again ! Went to sit with clique , but got one extra person. Tsktsk. After that, RECESS ! Ateateate, then went upstairs. Chinese. Quite okay , then it was Miss Tow's lesson. Watched Ice Age 2 , Momo's so saddistic. Tsk. Okay , then , it was Geography , also watched CD. Hehes, then went to eat lunch , and then went for CCA. D: Because of CCA , I couldn't go to Hsinyee's house with Momo and HuiXian. They told me not to skip , then gave me suggestions on excuses to skip. I'm like, O.O" LOL. Anyws , I don't dare to skip this practice. I'm a good girl :B Hehhs. Anyws , nothing much to elaborate on now. Ohhs ! Mocca , my baobeiie , chewed a hole on Momo's skirt (: Okay , nothing muchh now , toodles !

Carol <3

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Y 7:39 AM

Holaa ! Currently posting because I'm bored :) I love playing badminton ! Heehees ! ^^
Ohyeahs, Momo toldd me that maybe SHE likes HIM. I'm like, -gasp- ! Omgs, if she really likes him, then it will be like, BOOMZXC! Tsktsk . But I doubt that he will like her back, he told me he hates her. Hee(: Anyws, done with the gossipping ! Now let's get to BUSINESS. :l Actually, there's no business. I'm just posting cuz' I'm bored. Hehes. There's choir tomorrow. Half good half bad :l It's kinda tiring, y'know. There are currently no songs stuck in my head, which is pretty rare :D Hmms ... So long since I've chatted with Sharmaine or Rynell O: Omgs. But nvms, I'm sure they won't forget me. Heeeee xDD . Anyws . Can't wait for the weekends , so I can stay up late and youtube :D ~ Ohyeahhs, Happy Belated Birthday ZhiNing <3 (: Love youhhs , YellowColourPen , Darlie , Precious , Mei Mei =D ~ Okayhhs . I love ASHLEY TISDALE <3 :DD Okayhhs . Nothingg muchh to elaborate on now . Buhhbyes ! Toodles ! Tata ! ( That was really lame and unneccessary , but it's fun. RANDOMNESS FTW \m/\m/ ) Okayhhs , really gotta go now :D

Carol <3

Y 3:18 AM

Hellows people :DD So , today , we got some of the SA2 results. Not so satisfied with mine :( Let's see. I failed Maths and Science. The science is just too much ! Half of the whole cohort failed, I heard. And there's only 1 or 2 A1s. Good for Moesha, she got 71 ! Okay , let me list out my current scores before continuing.

English : 66.2/100 [ B3 ]
Literature : 65/100 [ B3 ]
Mathematics : [ FAIL ]
Science : [ FAIL ]
History : 80/100 [ A1 ]
D&T : 73/100 [ A2 ]
Chinese : 72/1oo [ A2 ]
Geography : 52/100 [ C6 ]

-sobs- Let's hope that when it's all total up , my English will get A2 , Maths will get C6 , Science will get C6/C5 , and Chinese will get A1. I'm depending on my previous papers! Omgs, I have to work hard for next year. I'm already planning on buying assessment books , and Hui Xian's come up with a study timetable for me. And maybe, if I have some trouble in Maths , Geography and Chinese , I can consult Hui Xian. Here's my "consultant" choices.

Hui Xian : Maths , Chinese , Geography
Moesha : English , Science , Literature

Oh , my saviors , and also my best friends. Love them truckloads .
Anyws , can't wait for Home Economics next year ! :DDD

Okays , nothing much to elaborate now , toodles !

Carol <3

Thursday, October 14, 2010 Y 3:01 AM

Heyheys ! Long time since I've updated the blog. Tsktsk. I'm not gonna come up with any excuses, I'm just gonna say honestly that I'm lazy :D Hehes. So, today. I went to play badminton with Moesha, Hui Xian and Dany. Never really played. All I did was sit there with my sunglasses and watch them play. Oh, and I also yelled : " OPEN BALLLL !!! " . Hehes. And then I saw a rainbow ^^ Aft that, went to buy snacks and drinks with Hui Xian. I had a peach sparkling. Yummy. After that, went to play table tennis. Something epic happened. An old man appeared, and judged Dany :D He was saying, " Play properly " all of us was trying not to laugh, but thanks uncle :D After that, went to Sun Plaza. Went to Star Factory arcade. Played Percussion and then played Time Crises and then played Lost in the land of spice and then played a lot of rounds of Mario Kart :D I was Yoshi, Moesha was the tamagotchi , marmetchi or something , Hui Xian was also marmetchi , and Dany was Luigi. Awesomeness. After that, went to 7-eleven to play Animal Kaiser. Lame, I know. But it's so coooool :3 Played and fooled around there. And then everybody went home :D ~ Today was really fun, but I'm lazy to really elaborate on the details. Anyways, AWESOMENESS :D Nothing much to say now. Toodles.

Carol <3


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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

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♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
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♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


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