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Saturday, March 26, 2011 Y 9:43 AM

Annyeong haseyo , people ~ Long time since I've updated now. Was busy obsessing over SHINee's Key. My husband ~ LOLOLOL. Excited for schooooool. I can obsess over Key together with Peggy. <3 I bought Peggy a bunny thing, because I love her. :D LOLOLOL. But I'm so not looking forward to PE. -.- Anyway. I'm gonna stay up today obsessing over my Key , so lalalalalalala. <: Nothing much to talk about now, I'M HYPERING I'M HYPERING! I LOVE GREENTEA. <3 Okay , annyeong ~

Carol Locket. <3

Monday, March 14, 2011 Y 2:40 AM

Hai. Just edited a picture of my yeobo and me. I'm so disappointed and troubled now. ): My uncle told me that he's going to go to Malaysia himself and not coming to drive me because he's busy. I didn't go for CCA because I thought that I was going to Malaysia. Now I don't even know what to tell Yuwen, Sabrina and Ms. Ang. I EVEN MISSED THE ALTO GATHERING. D: Sighh. But SHINee really cheers me up. I watched the Maknae Rebellion with SHINee in for the whole afternoon. Key isn't called Almighty Key for nothing. :l My mom said that she will call Ms. Ang, but it certainly won't leave a good impression. I feel like crying. I think my chances of performing for SYF is completely blown now. I wanted to perform so badly. It's so unfair. In primary school, everyone thought I was a wonderful singer and blah. And now in secondary school, I feel like I'm the worst singer in the entire world that I couldn't even perform together with my choir. I don't know what to say now. Bye.

Carol. <3

Am I overestimating myself?

Sunday, March 13, 2011 Y 6:23 AM

In a super good mood now. <: My uncle came back from China! Yay. And I might be going to Malaysia tomorrow, so no choir for me. (Y) Currently chatting with Zhining and watching Jongkey Moments. My favorite couple. <3 I managed to finish ALL my math tuition homework. WOOHOO. Today's math tuition was pretty fun. Met my yeoppo yeobo at the usual spot. And then walked to Ms. Lim's house together. WENT TO THE WRONG BLOCK. LOLOL. Luckily we figured it out before knocking on the door. So, we went to the correct block and went into the house. There was this Sec 3 boy there. He was like, " Don't be shy. " I wanted to say , " I'm not shy. " but then it would definitely embarrass him, so I decided to be a good little girl and kept quiet. <: Hsinyee told me he kept looking at me. -.- I didn't even notice. YEOBO, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? DID YOU KEEP LOOKING AT HIM? OMG YEOBO, HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME. Okay, well not really cheat, but, you get it. Okay, after math tuition went to Sunplaza together. XX called on the way. I was super hyper then so I kept disturbing them. Then XX said I was crazy. -.- MEH. Okay, then went to watsons and yeobo bought the bouncy nuance airy thing I have. Then lalala, went to Northpoint to meet mummy. On the way I heard someone say " SAVE WATER AND SAVE ELECTTHETITTY I wanted to say " Why the hell do you wanna elect the titty ? o-o " But nevermind. Met mummy then went to KFC to eat. Ran into Afiq. Said hi and chatted for a bit. Then went home. Saw a few teenagers being handcuffed. OMG O-O SO TODAY'S MORAL IS, DON'T COMMIT CRIMES. YOU'LL GET YOURSELF INTO SOME REALLY DEEP SHIT. Okay , nothing much to elaborate on now. BYEBYE. Might update later.

Carol <3

Saturday, March 12, 2011 Y 9:45 AM

Lalala. Boredomm. Haaai people. It's the middle of the night, and I have nothing to do. I still have maths tuition homework, but I'm gonna do them tomorrow. I already did one part and I'm so tired. D: Timecheck : 1.45AM. I'm hungry. Meh. I don't know what to do now. I don't know what SHINee videos to watch. D: I can't seem to find any good ones. I don't really feel like sleeping either. And everyone's offline. DARNNN ! D: Taemin is soso cute. <: I can't stop thinking about the tuition I have at 3.30PM. >< It ruins my Sundays. And CCAs sorta ruins my holidays and Fridays. Okay, I love singing, but sometimes, it's just so tiring. D: To make it worst, my goldfishh, ShuuShuu is not going on Monday. Ruthra isn't going either. Loneliness . Bleahk . Why must choir be during the holidays ? 10AM-4PM somemore. -.-" Why can't it be like, from 10AM-12PM or something, since it's the holidays? D: Btw, I miss Kayelean like so much. T-T BLAHHS ! TOMORROW'S TUITION ! FISHFISHFISHFISH ! At least my Hsin Yee yeobo is going with me tomorrow. :l She enjoys the tuition so much. WTH. No offence, but that is just WRONG. Okay, nothing much to elaborate on now. Gotta go and try and sleep. :l Nights and sweet dreams y'all. <3

Carol. <3

I'm just going to wing it.

Y 5:34 AM

Haihai. I love SHINee. Mehehehe. Okay, continue. I have tuition tomorrow. -.- wth. Plus, it's math. I hate math. I hate algebra. And if the tuition isn't enough to ruin my holidays, I have choir intensive trainings on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, because SYF is coming. IT'S SO FREAKING TIRING. But I'll just have to cope with it. :l There's so much tuition homework. I haven't even done them yet. I'm going to stay up all night today watching SHINee videos, because I'm that obsessed. I think I'm going to do my tuition homework later while watching Guess at 11.30pm. I love Saturdays. I don't sleep. BTW, ZHINING, Y U NO ONLINE? AND KAYELEAN ALSO. These people abandon me. T-T Today has been boring. Camwhored a little bit. Watched SHINee videos all day. Ate two packets of tidbits. ( not proud. ) -.- Yeahhs ... So correction to the previous sentence. I LOVE SATURDAY NIGHTS . Okay, nothing much to elaborate on now. Maybe I'll update later. Kthxbye. :D

Carol. <3

Friday, March 11, 2011 Y 5:33 AM

This is a blockquote. About LIFE.
So what is life?
Life is
a very crappy thing.
Because it only exists once for us.
And when we die,
we become
some asshole memory.
And if we donate huge chunks of money or
do something real nice
like save the President
or something
We'll probably have a statue or something
and let bird poop on it.

Okay Im not gonna delete this post because it has poop and money it in.

Y 12:03 AM

Haihai. Today was PTM. :l Well, I have 4As, that's the good part. I got F9 for Math. Damnn. >< Miss. Tow told my mom that I'm not focusing well. Mehh. My mom said I should be more like Jolyn. WHAT. NONONONO. I will not. Over-competitiveness. LOLOL. Although she's one of my bestfriends in school, still no. LOLOL. JEREMY GOT ALL As except for 1 B. WHATTHE. His brain is like, awesome or something. Currently listening to Replay by SHINee. Noona Nomu Yeppo. <: Jonghyun is sosososo cute! Anyws, Momo and Hsinyee went to Honeyhut without me. Felt kinda lonely and sad. But nevermind, at least Hui Xian came back for me. I love her. And Zhining texted me. I love her veryvery much. And Momo promised to call me, so okay. Nothing from Hsinyee. But nevermind, I don't care. Meh, eating instant noodles. Nothing to elaborate on now. Bai.

Carol <3

Thursday, March 10, 2011 Y 7:42 AM

After so long, I'm finally going to start blogging again. LOLOL. I still can't fix my tagbox tho. :l Today was sports carnival. Quite fun. <: Woke up at 5.15AM and went to meet wifeyy and jeanette at sunplaza. Ate mac. (: Then taxi-ed to Bedok Reservoir. Played around in the playground. Everyone was "humping" the dinosaurs. Mehehe. Then waited for Momo and Dany to come. WE SAW A SQUIRREL IN A TREE. SO EFFING CUTE. Lolol. Kay, then Zhining and Ruthra came, together with my Huixian. After that, went to disturb Ben and ask where is Jeremy, FOR FUN ONLY. Then the Ben go and call Jeremy and tell him I'm looking forward to meeting him. WTF BEN. -.- Okay, then after that Raj and Jeremy came. Lalala, disturb Jeremy and Raj. Then went to sit at assembly area. Threw rocks at each other. LOLOL, Huixian pro, throw until teacher. :l Damn ps siah. After that, start cross-country. Walked most of the way. More relaxing than last year. Me and Jiahui super lax. LOLOL. Huixian got last, again. 'Cos she refuse to run. -.- After that, dragonboating and kayaking. Blahhs. Then took Zhining's dad's car to Northpoint with Huixian and Ruthra. Ruthra left. Then me, Zhining and Huixian went to eat at the food mall. Ate the octopus thingy. Then went around northpoint. Then went to Timezone. Sad, only I can stay there, 'cos I'm not wearing school uniform. Nevermind, played the candy thing, then went to the petshop near bus interchange. Lalalalah, then go home. :l Nothing muchh to elaborate nao. Byee. ((:

Carol Evangelyn. <3


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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

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♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
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♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

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