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Saturday, April 30, 2011 Y 7:20 AM

Annyeong people ! ^^ Just came back from Nathalie's house with Sharmaine. Had loads of laughs there, as usual. :B And watched SHINee, as usual. Nathalie has a purple iPhone ! Cool or what ? O: Anyws , nowplaying , Hurricane Venus - BoA ! (: Go BoA unnie ~ ! Drinking chrysanthemum green tea. (: It tastes alright. And chatting with Nathalie. Sharmaine isn't home yet. -.- She's at Northpoint buying Takoyaki. Lol. I had tteokboki just now. It's awesome. Lalalala. I'm staying up today. ^~^ Sorta hungry now. :l Didn't have dinner. D: Might be watching Dream Team later. NEVER SAY NEVER 3D STOPPED SHOWING ALR. D: I HAVEN'T EVEN WATCH IT YET. IT'S IN FREAKING 3D. AND ONE OF NATHALIE'S FRIENDS SAID THAT AT THE PREMIER, THERE WAS PURPLE POPCORN. SO COOL. Omo. D: Mehh, I wanted to watch it so badly. :/ Anyways, I don't know what to write now. That's BoA in the picture by the way. Alright,gonna go chat with Nathalie now! ^^ Might update again later if I feel like it. K, annyeong~! ^~^


Friday, April 29, 2011 Y 9:04 PM

Annyeong people ! :D Just woke up not long ago. Drinking coffee and eating fried beehoon. Lalalala. Hehes, watched Dream Team on KBS World just now when I just woke up. Gonna meet Nathalie and Kayelean later at Cafe Galilee. Nowplaying , LUCIFER by SHINee. :D Hehehehe. They're so freaking smexy in the video. Especially Taemin and my Key oppa. :3 Gonna watch Dream Team on youtube later with SHINee in it. Mehh, I got tuition later on. -.- Gonna start on my homework around 1.30. Lalalala, don't know what to write nao. MONDAY'S A HOLIDAY ! :D K, update later, gotta go now. ENJOY THE PICTURE. :3 Annyeong ~

Carol. <3

Y 4:24 AM

Annyeonggggg. ((: Updating again because I feel like it. Heheh. Anyways, came back from meeting Kayelean at Northpoint. :D I had tteokboki there. Omnomnom. Had all-beef chilli at Wendy's for lunch together with a vanilla frosty shake. SAW NATHALIE. Teased her about her and Colin. Merherherher. We caught them together. Anyways , now playing , Lollipop - SHINee. Someone edited their parts into a full song, and it's flippin' cool and smexy. Hehehe. I'm craving for tteokboki again. Might be meeting Nathalie at the gas station later. :D Gonna stay up today! ^~^ Okays, might update again later, annyeong ~ ! <3

Carol. <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011 Y 10:37 PM

Hellows ! ^^ Back from school. Did English and Chinese paper ones. It was okay, I guess. :/ Listening to Love Like Oxygen [ Sanseo Gateun Neo ] by my beloved SHINee oppas. (: They never fail to perk me up. Anyways, yesterday was a horrible day for me. I lost my wallet, and spent half the day looking for it, and worrying, then Raaid found it for me in the boys' toilet. It stank. And all my money was gone. I went home, instead of comforting me, my grandparents yelled at me. And my brother, parents and uncles weren't home to defend me. In the end, I had to cry alone in the room while they continued to scream at me. Pathetic, right ? I know. The whole time, I was thinking " I need Key so much now. I need a hug from Key. " Lol, I know, weird, but yeah. Anyway, moving away from that horrible incident. -.- I love my SHINee oppas. (: They always perk me up, seriously. They're so funny. Meeting Nathalie to study later. :B Yay. I love them. I'm hungry nao. >: Okaays, might update later, I don't know what to say now ~ Annyeong ! ^~^

Carol. <3

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Y 12:20 AM

Annyeong ~ ^^ Just came back from school and showered. Drinking iced chocolate that I made. :3 Okay, it was a packet of instant hot chocolate and I just threw ice in, but still. Listening to HELLO ! :3 I love Key oppa's " BABY BABY BABY GIRL ! " Hehe. Gonna meet Sharmaine later around 4. :D School was pretty fun today. MY PARTNER FOR OLE IS AFIQ. I guess I should be glad ? LOLOL, idk. Jeremy said that he's a good partner. :l Ohyeah, one thing, aegyo does not work on Jeremy. -.- This was our conversation.
Me : Yaaaahhh , Jeremy , help me do luhh ~ Okieee ? :3
Jeremy : -straight face- It's not working.
Me : Ahhhhh ~ ! >:( -pout-
Jeremy : -still straight face- It's still not working.
Me : -runs over to his desk- JEREMY YAHHHH ~ ! Help me do luhhh , mmmmm ~ ! >:(
Jeremy : -still straight face- No, not working.
Then I gave up. -.- That person.
Pshhhhh. Anyway, gonna youtube naaaao. Might update again later. (:
Annyeong ~ ! <3

Carol. <3

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Y 5:53 AM

Helloooooo. :D Currently reading a Jonghyun fanfic and listening to music. I'm listening to Selena Gomez's WHO SAYS. (: It's a beautiful song. I'm no beautyqueen, I'm just beautiful me. (: Omo, the Jonghyun fanfic is sooo cute. ^~^ Honeyhoneybaby ~ Hehe, I'm totally obsessed with SHINee. (: MYE IS COMING ! Time to workhard. I'm gonna try and focus in class. :B Yes, I'm a good girl. Kekeke. Okaaaay, gonna go back to reading the fanfic. ((: Might update again later. Btw, Jong's totally cute in that pic right ? YES, HE IS ! xD <3 Annyeong ~

Carol <3

Monday, April 25, 2011 Y 5:21 AM

Hellos! (: Updating again. ^^ Currently still watching SHINee's Hello Baby. <3 Kyahhhh, Key oppa ! x3 Hadd a two-hour nap just now, around 4 to 6. Omg. Actually I only wanted to rest my eyes for 10 minutes. Then I fell asleep. LOLOLOL. Anyways, my baby cousin came and I got woken up by him. Then ate dinner. Omnomnomnomz. :D Had eggs, carrots, potatoes and luncheon meat with rice and green tea. I'm gonna drink the ABC soup later. :D It's so nice. ^^ Gonna do some revision and homework at 10 o clock, if I'm not lazy. xD Hehehes. Omo, I love Key oppaaaa. ♥ I wanna be his Jojo. Kekekeke. ^~^ Key oppa saranghae ~ Kaaaays, random post. I don't know what to say now. Might update later if I feel like it. Btw, the picture's awesome right? xD I know. Kaay, annyeong. (:

Carol. <3

Y 12:51 AM

Hello! Back from a day at school. (: Just showered and currently listening to Stand By Me by my favorite SHINee oppas and drinking hot milo. Chatting with Eunae, my friend from Korea. ^^ She's awesome. Ohyeahh, school was fun today! \(^.^)/ First, we ran 2.4km, which was okay, I guess. I ran together with Dany and Benjamin. And then later we caught up with Jiahui and Afiq. After that, it was literature. I couldn't find my romeo and juliet book, totally panicked. Then luckily, Mr. Rama didn't ask for the book. -sigh of relief- After literature, RECESS! Wheee. ^^ Ate together with Peggy and Hsinyee. Had chicken chop with sushi and soya bean. (: After that Peggy and I went to the bookshop to buy handphone straps with horoscopes of Jong and Key. ^^ I got Key oppa's one, Virgo. And Peggy got Jonghyun oppa's one, Taurus.(: LOVE IT TTM. Then went back to class. Doodled all the way through English and Geography. Then after that, it was Mother Tongue. Went to sit with Jeremy and did situational writing. Meh. After that, SCIENCE ! :D Half-wrote-down-notes-half-doodling. I'm awesome, I can multi-task. :B Kay, after that ate lunch with Zhining, chatted about old habbo and then went home. ^^ I love my ribbon hairband btw. Kyaaah, so cute ! :3 Might be meeting Sharmaine tomorrow. (: Countdown to her birthday : 3 DAYS ! ^^ Okaays, don't know what to say now. Might update again later. ^^

Carol. <3

Sunday, April 24, 2011 Y 6:41 AM

Annyeong! AGAIN. ((: Gonna update again, cos I feel like it. Keke. Currently rewatching HELLO BABY Season 2 again. Wae? Because there's my SHINee oppas ofcourse. ^^ To me, KEY IS THE NUMBER ONE APPA. Keke. Raccoon ~ The picture's adorable yahh? When they were at the kid's cafe. Keke. Kaaay, don't know what to say now. Annyeong ! <3

Carol <3

Y 5:41 AM

Annyeonggg ! Updating again. Hehe. ^^ Cos I'm bored. YAHH, I MISS KEY OPPA. D: There isn't much new videos on him. I shall share some pictures of my Key oppa with all the lucky people reading this. Hehehehehe. SELCAS OF MY KEY OPPA ~ ! <3 KYAAAAAHHH SO CUTE ! xDD Listening to Stand By Me by SHINee and chatting with Sharmaine and Zhining. Love them to the max. Ohhyeahhs, congratulations to Kayekaye, my favorite dongsaeng <3 :{D Tuition today was fun. ((: Hehehehehe. Key oppa's voice is so hot. (: Kekekeke. Ohhyeahh, Jasmine asked Hsinyee if Jeremy and I stead alr. -.- MY HEART BELONGS TO KEY OPPA ONLY NOW. :3 Hehe. Kaaaay, I don't know what to say now, maybe I'll update AGAIN later. ^^ Annyeong ~

Carol. <3

Saturday, April 23, 2011 Y 9:14 PM

Annyeong ! I WOKE UP ! :D Hehehe. Currently eating chicken floss bread with ham and drinking milo with no sugar or milk. So healthy. Hehehe. Watching SNSD's HELLO BABY ! :D Gonna meet Hsinyee for tuition and milktea later on at 3. :D I wanna try coffee milk tea. I haven't finish my tuition work. x-x Gonna continue doing around 1-2 o clock. *laze* Omo the bread is so nice ! ^^ Gonna get another slice after this post. Gahhhh I wanna dye my hair. I have alot of white hairs. :( I feel like meeting Sharmaine too ! D: AND THERE'S SCHOOL TOMORROW. Mehhhhhh. Okaaaaay, nothing much to elaborate now, might update later again.

Carol <3

Y 4:40 AM

Lalalahhs, watching SNSD's Hello Baby now. (: Kyungsan is soso cute! Though I would prefer Yoogeun. :B Hehes. Aigoo, I'm hungry. :( I only had a plate of duck rice in the morning and didn't eat anything for the whole afternoon. D: My tummy's rumbling nao ~ Sharmaine's not online, mehh ~ I'm craving for an egg and mayo sandwich. :l Maybe I can go buy it later at the gas station. Hmmms. :P AND BANANA MILK! Wheeeeeee((: I'M SO BORED, SO BORED ~ ><" Updating alot today because I have nothing much to do. :l Well, I could do my tuition homework, but I'm abit lazy. >< I'll do it later. It's MATHS. Gaaaahhhh. D: Okaaay, shall go back to video watching now. Might update again later. Hehe. Kaaay, annyeong ~

Carol <3

Y 1:37 AM

I'm bored now. So maybe I should update again. LOLOL. Omg, herher. Look at that handsome guy there. That's my Key oppa. ^^ Moshidaaaaaa ! ♥ Lalalalahhs. Smsing Kayekaye. ((: Okaaaay, going to go watch Girls' Generation goes to school nao. :D Annyeong ~ ♥

Y 1:08 AM

Okaay, this picture is for zhining. Since she asked me who is Sunny.

Y 1:00 AM

Annyeong ~ I'm finally done editing my blog. LOLOL. The tagbox still looks kinda weird actually. :l Currently watching Girls' Generation goes to school. So fun. I love the SNSD unnies. Hehe. I just watched SNSD's Horror Movie Factory , Sunny unnie is so brave ! Which is why she's my favorite. ^^ Yesterday was Good Friday, so no school. *happy* But I practically spent the whole day at home watching youtube videos. :l Sharmaine wasn't free to meetup, and Nathalie and Kayelean had to go to church. But on Thursday, met Sharmaine and slacked around, then went to Nathalie's house. Sharmaine's hair is so nice, LIKE DOG. :B Mehehehe. Okaaay, I'm bored now. Drinking hazeulnut coffee. <3 It's nice. Trying to memorize the dance for Gee. I already know the lyrics. :l On Thursday, Peggy was dancing to the song during recess and I was just standing there singing. LOLOLOL. Okaaay, update later. Nothing much to elaborate now. Annyeong ~

Carol. <3

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Y 3:31 AM

ANNYEONG PEOPLE ! I forgot to say , 3 MORE DAYS UNTIL BLINGBLINGDAY! My dearest Jonghyun's birthday ! (: You're gonna be 21/22 ! ^^ Lols , okaay , now I'm done.

Carol <3

Y 3:25 AM

Hello ! ^^ Posting now cos I'm bored. :D Now listening to Love Like Oxygen by SHINee. Hehes, I love my Key oppa ! ^w^ His voice is just so damn hot. School was kinda fun today. First two periods was Chinese. Sat together with Huixian. Meh, nothing really happened. Kinda boring. :l Then English. Slacked all the way together with Peggy. Ate gummybears. :D Hehe. Then after english is recess ! ^^ Ate fish&chips and sushi with pink champagne. After that bought fried wanton up to class together with Peggy. Ate in class. Disturbed Zhenhong for the whole day. Muahahahaha. After recess is er, History. SLACKED !!! ^^ Then after history is ... MATHS. -.- Horrible. slackedslackedslacked. disturbed Zhenhong more. LOLOLOL. About his girlfriend ~ After that, SCIENCE. Mehhs, okayokay. Wrote down notes. After science, PC period. Did nothing. SO FREAKING BORING. Okay, then after that, went to Northpoint to meet Kayelean at Long John Silver's. Love the grilled cajun chicken there. Then walked around Northpoint, lalalala. Bought candy. Then lalalala went home. :D Just finished my cup of hot chocolate after bathing. I walked in the rain. LOL. :D Okay , finish . I have nothing to say now . :l ANNYEONG ! ^^

Carol <3

Saturday, April 2, 2011 Y 2:36 AM

HAI, this is Zhi Ning here.
I'm posting because Zhi Xuan never post at all and I remembered her account, sooo...
Blockquote is so pretty. So anyways, gonna be real busy for next week, since it's achievement day and all. Luckily, one more training, then adp already :D YAY.
K bye.

Y 1:17 AM

Hello people ! ((: Long time since I've updated. Lalala, I'm so bored, and hungry. I had fever yesterday in the middle of choir. D: Had to go home, after having trouble putting on my freaking uncomfortable gown and court shoes. Went home and slept all the way until like, 6 plus after eating medicine. Went to use the laptop for a little while at night, chatted with Peggy and Zhining. Lalala. Currently listening to IU's Marshmallow. <3 School was awesome. Sitting with Peggy is very fun. Because we're like, at the back, we always chat and eat. LOL. Then Gabriel say we picnic everyday. yways, Peggy's Jong and I'm Key. :D We're JongKey. <3 HWAITING ~ ! Hehe. I'm craving for Long John's grilled cajun chicken. D: Anyws, update later, gonna go eat with momma ~
Annyeong ~ ! ^^

Xuan <3


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♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
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