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Saturday, May 28, 2011 Y 11:13 AM

Annyeong ! ^^ Posting again, hehehe. I'm in a crazy anime mood nao. Watched Fairy Tail just now. Awesome anime. Happy is totally cute ! (: I haven't watched anime in a longlonglong time. Watching it just now brought back a lot of memories ! ^^ All the animes I used to watchh ! There's Inuyasha , Fruit Basket , Sakura , Naruto , Mermaid Melody , Guardian Angels and so much more ! I'm so going to watch more anime now. ^~^ Ohyeah ! I copied down the Korean alphabet so I can learn it more easily. I guess it's kinda simple. Hehehehehe. OMG, there's a moth here and I'm scared. D: Please go away moth. Omo, it's so scary. D: I want my Key oppaaaaa. T^T Okaay, it's already 2.19AM now, I'm gonna go bathe again and then dream about my Key oppa. :D

Carol. <3

Y 7:50 AM

Annyeong ! ^~^ Posting now because I feel like it. I slept for the whole day. Hehehe. Now currently listening to AYO - SHINee. Such an awesome song. Key oppa's voice is just so OMG. <3 Key oppa, I just want you to know, I want you to be my Romeo ♥ Gonna do some online shopping later. Hmmms. I want Beats headphones ! They sound very nice and are very comfortable ! Key oppa is sososososo cute ! :D I know I haven't talked about Key oppa for some time because I was so obsessed with Kevin oppa. D: Key oppa mianheeeeeeee ! You're always my number one ! ♥ I saw the japanese music video of Replay already. Key oppa jjang ! ^^ Taemin oppa is cute there toooo. Hehehehe. Okaay, I don't know what to say nao. Might update later. Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Friday, May 27, 2011 Y 4:22 AM

Annyeong ! ^^ Posting now because I feel like it. I'm still so happy that I'm homeee ! I haven't been feeling well before I went to OLE, and then during OLE, so much sun and stuff, I still haven't fully recovered. :( Eating strepsils extra strong lozenges now because I'm very desperate to get my voice back. D: I'm so scared that it'll stay like that forever. I mean, it's okay, but, I tried singing One Year Later - Jessica & Onew, which I am listening to now, and I couldn't reach the notes anymore. D: Go away sorethroat, go away. I'll be very depressed if my voice stayed like that. I love IU unnie ! ^^ Hehehehehe. I'm gonna watch Dream High later. I wanna watch Super Junior's Mystery Six, but I'm terrified. D: Lalalala. Random post. -.- Sharmaine hasn't texted me yet. Where the hell is she. I'm craving for pastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Okaaay, I don't know what to write now. :l Might update later. Okaay, annyeong ! ^~^

Carol. <3

Y 12:49 AM

Annyeong ! I'm back ! (: Finally. Now Playing - Good Girl Bad Girl - Miss A. OLE 2 was horrible. I almost cried like, 4 times. Poor me uh. First day was already so tiring. We went to hike up Bukit Timah Hill. Going up was really tiring, and going down was dangerous. Especially the rocky path. Thankyou to all the people who held my hand and guided me through the rocky path. (: After the hike, went back to the campsite and I felt really unwell. I would get a sudden headache whenever I stood up and everything would go blur for a few seconds, and my poor throat hurts. :( At night went back to the bunks. Slept beside Winnie. (: But couldn't really sleep well because some of the girls in my bunk kept shaking the bed, chatting, laughing and shining the torchlight everywhere. It irritated everyone, but then nobody said anything because they were freaking scary and fierce. -.- Then second day, went to Jurong Lake for kayaking and dragonboating. The instructor told us that those who couldn't swim or don't feel confident in water are advised not to go. So Winnie, Yeobo, Juliana and I just sat there and chatted with Miss. Chew. After that, went back to the campsite again and blahh, routine. Fell asleep immediately that night, even before lights-off time because I didn't sleep that well the night before. Third day. High elements. The worst one. I almost cried a lot of times. I didn't want to do the high elements because I have height phobia and the instructor told me it was okay, but some of the girls in my group kept trying to force me to do, and when I told them I was really scared, they complained about me to the instructor and then kept on giving me those scary looks. And they said something in malay also. I don't know what they said though. Then one girl, the instructor asked her if she wanted to go and do the high elements. Then she said ' Of course luh, at least I do something, not like SOMEBODY. ' then she shot me a side glare. I held my tears in. At that time all I wanted was to see Zhining, Sharmaine or Kayelean. I'm really very scared of heights, why can't they just understand it ? Even the instructor told me it was okay if I was afraid. If I go up there, I will throw up, and I will cry. It really feels terrible. The fear builds up inside me and I feel like I will just break down. Then later at the team-building games, they weren't so nice to me either. I just really wanted to go home, my group is just terrible. My friends in the group agrees too. Then at night, went back to the bunks after campfire. (: Campfire was fun, I played around with Hsin Yee and Hui Xian. Then went back to bunks after washing up. Totally exploded in fun and laughter there. Hsin Yee kicked me off the bed two times because I said her legs look like chicken drumsticks. And Lena just couldn't stop LMAO-ing. Then Momo came and gave me her iced lemon tea. LOVELOVELOVELOVE her. Then Zhining came also. She just has this comforting presence. Whenever she's around, I just feel comfortable and comforted. It's like all the mean things that were said to me just got blown away. Okay, after that, played around. Lena and I attacked Hsin Yee with tickles and the chase went out to the corridors. But then we saw the boys all sitting downstairs, being punished, so we went back to our bunks quietly. Stayed up until 1AM plus, running to the toilet, and laughing like nobody's business, then went to sleep. Then today, YAY. The day we get to come home. Hui Xian came to wake me up again, as usual, smacking me and screaming my name. So I woke up. Before breakfast, Mr. Loke announced that we had to do a dance, and must find a partner of the opposite gender. I immediately went to Jeremy and just pulled his sleeve to the back of the hall. So we did the dance, we had to dance in a circle, hold handing hands with the boy behind you and switch to another boy infront of you in the circle. It was fun. I danced with Jeremy, Raj, YIYANG and Dany. The rest, I don't know their names. I'm surprised that Yiyang even held my hand. Aw, xD. Okay. Then after that breakfast, some team-building and then bus-ed back to AI. Hehehehehe. I was so happy to be back there. Chatted around with Momo, Huixian, Raj and Jeremy and then went off when Momo's dad came. Once I reached home, COMPLETE BLISS. Showered for very long and then used the comp. (: Might be meeting Sharmaine later. ^~^ Okaay, long post eh. I don't know what to say now. Might update later. Probably will. Okay , annyeong ! ^~^

Sunday, May 22, 2011 Y 7:35 AM

Annyeong ! ^^ Finally posting after suchh a long time of not posting. One week plus, I think ? Over the break I had after the exams, I went out alot. ^^ Mostly with Sharmaine, but I also met Peggy and went to KTV, and met Zhi Ning. Lalala. Currently listening to Go Away by 2NE1. Awesome song. (: OLE 2 Camp is in two days ! D: I'm so scurred. Tomorrow is Parent-Teacher meeting. Ohnoez. :l Better brace myself. Hehehehe, look at that picture of Kevin oppa. Isn't he so perfect ? xD Kekeke. I watched Thor with my mommy just nao. Nice movie. Okiee, gonna go youtube and twitter nao. (: Shortpost ! >< Mianheeeee ~ Might update either tomorrow or when I return from camp. Okiee, annyeong ! ^^ Saranghae !

Carol. <3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Y 8:06 AM

MIANHEEEEEEEEE ! Haven't been able to update for the past few days. I've been quite busy. Kekekeke. :3 Learning the Korean alphabet. ^~^ Ohyeahhs , follow me on twitter ! ^^ http://twitter.com/#!/CarolKissLocket ~ ! Hehehe. Okiees, short post. I'll update tomorrow, promise ~ ! ^-^ Okiee, annyeong ~ !

Carol. <3

Saturday, May 14, 2011 Y 4:55 AM

Annyeong ~ Updating because I feel like it ~ ^^ Hehe. Sighhhh ~ I feel like I've been neglecting my SHINee oppas these few days. Especially my Key oppa. Mianhe Key oppa ~ ! >< I still love you to the max ~ I'm still YOUR JOJO ~ But the U-KISS oppas are adorable too. ^^ Especially Kevin oppa. U-KISS AND SHINEE DAEBAKK ! ^~^ Okaaaay , off to watch more SHINee and U-KISS ~ Short and random post. Might update again later ~

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Y 7:38 AM

I found these on another blog. I'm sorry if I keep on blabbering on and on about this song. But, it's a beautiful song, and it's worth it, to me. I know it's just a song but I can feel the pain in Dongho oppa's heart somehow. It's very amazing. So there.

나 아직도 너를 지울 수 없어
na ajikdo noreul jiul su obso
자꾸자꾸 니가 생각나
jakkujakku niga senggangna
니가 너무 보고 싶어
niga nomu bogo sipo
밤새 한숨도 잘 수 없어
bamse hansumdo jal su obso
내 맘 창문을 두드리는 빗소리
ne mam changmuneul dudeurineun bissori
니가 떠나 버린 그자리
niga ttona borin geujari
너무나도 그리워서
nomunado geuriwoso
밤새 한숨도 잘 수 없어 난
bamse hansumdo jal su obso nan

Sorry, no picture for this post. It's just a random post. I just love this beautiful song so much. Okay, I might update later.
Annyeong. (:

Carol. <3

Y 12:21 AM

Annyeong ! ^^ Currently posting because I feel like it. (: MYE is finally over. Awesome. Now, we don't have to go to school until next Wednesday. (: Currently still listening ti 0330 by the U-KISS oppas because it's such a beautiful song. It's so sad. :( I just found out what the story was. Dongho oppa's girlfriend in the MV died at 0330, and Dongho oppa couldn't get over it, so he keeps on pretending that his girlfriend is still alive, and pretended that he was playing the piano, talking on the phone and stuff with her, as shown in the video, the other U-KISS oppas saw that he was alone, talking to himself and stuff, so they got worried. Then, Dongho oppa started "talking on the phone" with his girlfriend, and Eli oppa couldn't take it anymore, so he wanted to go and snap Dongho oppa out of it. The more Dongho oppa resists, the more he realizes what was wrong, and scenes of him sitting alone at the piano and laughing with himself and stuff shows. In the end, he decided to just try and move on. Omo, I almost cried. :( Suchh a beautiful song. Ohhyeahhs, I might be going to Koi at AMK with Kayelean, Nat and Sharmaine on Friday ! ^^v Since I have so much time, I might do another cover. ^^ Ohyeahhs, I edited a picture of Key oppa ! ^^ I'll post it here, 'cos he's just so cute. I've been watching U-KISS' Vampire. Dongho oppa is so funny, not caring about anyone but himself. HAHAHA. He's so hyper and cute. Kiseop oppa and Kevin oppa are cute too. Ohyeah, that picture is a scene in the music video of 0330 bytheway. ^~^ Okiees, I don't know what to write now. Might update later. ^~^ Okay, annyeong !

Carol. <3

Monday, May 9, 2011 Y 1:48 AM

Annyeong ! ^~^ Posting because I feel like it. I'm now totally inlove with the song Heartbreaker by G-dragon oppa. ^~^ But I still love my Key oppa the mostmostmost. <3 G-Dragon can be so freaking cute yet sexy at the same time. I LOVE HIS VOICE ! ^~^ I'll post one picture of him that I find sexy and one that's cute. I love him with blonde hair. Hehehe. Okiee, I went to the library to meet Kayelean and Kleio just now. Had lots of fun, then went home. ^~^ English and Chinese tomorrow. HWAITING ! ^^ The weather is so hot nowadays. >< It's not raining. It'll be the perfect weather for the beach. Hmms ... Random post. I don't know what to write nao. Maybe I'll update later, if I feel like it. ^~^ Okay , annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Sunday, May 8, 2011 Y 9:23 AM

Annyeong ! ^~^ Currently posting, well, because I have nothing much to do. I noticed I haven't been talking about my Key oppa a lot lately. D: Ever since I met him. But nevermind, I promise I won't fool myself like this anymore. :l At this age, everyone gets heartbroken. Only Key oppa won't break my heart. ^~^ Saranghae oppa. Anyway, why should I be thinking about him so much if he doesn't even care, right ? At least I know Key oppa will love me forever, because he will always love his Lockets, no matter what. ^^ Timecheck : 12.27AM. Still quite early actually, because there's no school tomorrow. Keke. Omo, the weather is so hot. I'm gonna take another shower before I go to bed later. Anyways, I will not be so attached to a guy that doesn't even care about me that much. I'm better than that. :l Okay. ANYWAY, moving from that topic, look at that picture of my Key oppa. ^~^ Isn't he just so freaking handsome and adorable ? Keke, naui wangjanim. <3 Okay, I don't know what to write now. Might update again later if I feel like it. ^~^ Annyeong !

Carol. <3

Y 6:47 AM

Annyeong ! ^^ Hehe, currently posting because I feel like it. <: Drinking plum juice and listening to 0330 by the U-KISS oppas. Dongho oppa and Kiseop oppa , so cute and handsome ~ ! ^^ Had tuition today. It was okay, I guess. :l Yesterday was fantastic ! ^^ Nathalie, Kayelean, Sharmaine and I were supposed to go to KTV together but didn't. Nathalie's parents didn't allow her to come, so Sharmaine, Kayelean and I went. But then it turned out that the price wasn't $10, it was freaking $20. D: I think it's because it's a public holiday. Okay, then abandoned the idea of going to ktv and went to shabushabu instead. It was awesome. While Sharmaine was away, getting teriyaki chicken, I poured green tea into her blackcurrant drink. Once she came back and took a sip of her drink, she was like, " EW ! GOT GREEN TEA TASTE ! D: YOU TRY ! SO WEIRD ! " Lol, Kayelean and I burst out laughing. LOLOL. Okay, after that we went to Nat's house and played Kinect, used the computer and listened to K-POP songs. Then Kayelean left. Sharmaine and I stayed. The three of us painted our nails for like, 2 hours then we succeeded. LOL. We kept on putting on, failing and then removing and then putting on again. I did Sharmaine's one for her. Okay, no matter what she says, it's freaking beautiful to me, okay. LOL. Ohyeah, see the picture there ? It's a scene in the music video of 0330. So beautiful. <3 Yay, there's no school tomorrow. ^^ Ohyeah, today is Mothers' Day. If I were to write here why I love my mother so much and cannot live without her, it's gonna take up A LOT OF SPACE. I love her so much, I don't know where to start, so I would just like to say, thank you mommy. (: I love you for being the awesome mom that all my friends love, and I love, continue to rock. \m/ I love you, and I will make you prouder than ever. ^~^ <3 Okaaaay, I don't know what to write nao. Might update either later or tomorrow. ^~^
Annyeong ! <3 ^w^

Carol. <3


Friday, May 6, 2011 Y 11:21 AM

Annyeong ! ^~^ Updating now because I feel like it. Hehe. Using my old laptop which is now my brother's because my laptop spoilt. D: But nevermind, he's asleep, so I brought the laptop to my room ! ^~^ Time check : 2.22AM cool right ? Hehe, I know. I painted my nails rainbow by the way. :D They're sooo lovely ~ ! ^^ Hehe ~ Now playing - Because Of You - After School. They're awesome. Fell in love with the song when I watched Key dance to it. ^~^ Hehe. Omg, Hazeeq totally made my night. He wanted to post a super mushy and cheesy message on Kayelean's wall, but he accidentally posted on my wall. When Ryna saw, she was like, " WHAT IS THIS. " Lol. Ohlawdz, Hazeeq, you funny monkey. Anyws, going KTV with Sharmaine and Kayelean tomorrow. Nathalie haven't confirm yet. K-POP CRAZE. <3 Ohyeahhs, had Science and Literature exam papers today. Science was a little bit hard for me, and Literature was easy. Omo, I love Taemin oppa's new haircut shosho much ! I shall post a picture of it here later, for the lucky people reading this. Sexy muchh ? Hehe. Sharmaine was totally inlove with him. I slept the whole afternoon away. :D I'll post a picture of the After School unnies too. Neomu yeppeo! ^~^ Okiees, I don't know what to say now. Might update either tomorrow or later. Annyeong ! <3

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Y 1:42 AM

Annyeong people ! ^~^ I'm here to update again, 'cos I really feel like it. :/ THE THUNDERSTORM FINALLY STOPPED ! :3 The weather is shosho good nao. Nowplaying - Chu - f(x) Suchh a cute song ! ^^ Meeting Sharmaine later at Pastamania. I'm craving for the mushroom baked rice. (: Omo, Victoria unnie is sho prettayh. Watched the television just nao because I wuz too scared to use the laptop thanks to the thunderstorm. Heh. Saw a show I watched when I was young. O: Something about dragons. Channel 8. Omo, totally miss that show. MEMORIES. Gonna shop online later. I need more clothes. -.-" Haven't been buying a lot of new clothes this year. I'm sho disappointed in myself. LOLOL. I wanna go shopping at Novena and Somerset with Kayekaye, Nathalie and Sharmaine again. Forever21 and Diva. <3 KOI ! <3 Omg, I cannot describe the perfect-ness of this weather ! ^~^ I wonder when I'll get the ring I ordered from Amanda. :l I'm kinda excited to see it. I love vintage accessories. I feel like buying the pair of blingbling geek specs she has too. I think I will buy it. ^~^ I'm feeling sho hyper nao. Omo, blingbling! ^^ Jonghyunnie oppa. Hehehehe. I'm gonna add Victoria unnie's picture in this post because she is sho pretty. (: It's a bonus, k! My Key oppa and Victoria unnie ! ^~^ <3 Okiee, I don't know what to post nao. Might update either later or tomorrow. Annyeong ! ^~^

Carol. <3

Y 12:07 AM

Annyeong again ! ^~^ Updating again 'cos I feel like it. Might be meeting Sharmaine later around 6. Nowplaying - Can't Nobody - 2NE1. I think my favorite among them is Park Bom. She's cute yeahhs. It's gonna rain soon. O: Sho cold. Jared came online for awhile just now because he saw my message on his iPhone. :B Aw, sho sweet. He was in school somemore. ^~^ K, took a small nap just nao, woke up and ate cup noodles for lunch. :/ Super unhealthy, I know. Geography paper tomorrow. I'll study later at night, if I feel like it. (: K, so yesterday, went to meet Sharmaine and Nathalie. Nathalie brought along Colin. He's quite shy eh. After buying giogio sausages, went to Nathalie's house and slacked and had fun. Sharmaine went home first around 6.30 and I went home around 9. LOL, when I got home, everyone was sleeping alr. (Y) Showered and then waited for Jared to come online. He came online around 10. ^~^ And then xiaoshuu brought home sushi. :3 Omnomnomz. Okaaay, chatted with Jared until like ... 12, then went to bed. Lalalalas. ^~^ It's raining. Ohyeahhs, I want an iPhone sho badly. :( Sho many cute cases. Okiee, it's a thunderstorm nao, I'm gonna stop here and watch teevee alr. Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Y 7:16 PM

Annyeong ! ^~^ Haven't updated in like, two days ? O: Well, I'm updating nao ! ^~^ Was busy for the past two days withh Jared. :3 Sharmaine's boyfriend's brother. He's sho awesome and cute, I can just sit and chat withh him for the wholewhole day. ^^ Hehe. Nowplaying - Paparazzi - Kan Mi Youn. Anddd currently drinking banana milk. I love exams somehow. We get to go home at like, 9.20AM and there's no homework to do. :3 It was the Math paper today. It was okay, I guess. -fangirlsqueal- JARED IS SHO AWESOME. :3 Naneunyeon oppaga joheungeol , eotteokhae ? O: Okiees, I don't know what to post nao. I'll update later. That's Mi Youn unnie there in the picture bytheway. ^w^ Sho pretty. K,annyeong ! ^.^

Carol. <3

Sunday, May 1, 2011 Y 1:01 AM

Annyeong ! I'm so bored now. :( Nobody's free to meetup. D: On the bright side, I'm going to SHABUSHABU withh my family later. :D Mehh, I'm still bored. Now playing IU's Good Day. This is suchh a hard song. D: But I'm going to force myself to learn it. LOLOL. The 3 notes are still kindaa hard for me. :/ But whatever, I'm still gonna try. Cos I'm awesome. My tumblr is flooded with Key oppa. <: Hehe, saranghae, oppa ~ ! ^^ K, short post. I don't know what to say now. Might update again later. Annyeong ~ ! ^^

Carol. <3


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