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Sunday, July 31, 2011 Y 6:13 AM

Hello ! Just got home from watching Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows II. It was AWESOMETASTIC. I can't believe that it's over. This is so sad. I've grown up together with Harry Potter and now it's all over. D: Don't worry Harry Potter, I'll always keep you in my heart. [: Okay. We're gonna have the class skit tomorrow. I'm sho excited. Hehe. Good luck to all of the people participating in it ! ^^ Oh, and the Shanghai exchange students are coming tomorrow. Yay. I had cheesecake just now, and it was delicious. [: HEHEHEHEHE. Harry Potter's son gonn' be so hot when he grows up, omg. Okay, I have nothing to say now. Oh, the hungry ghost festival started already, take care everyoneee. [: Okay, I'll be ending off here. ^^

Carol. <3

Saturday, July 30, 2011 Y 9:44 AM

Helluuuuuuu. [: Posting nao because I feel like it. I totally wasted my Friday night, k. -.- I was so tired when I got home I just bathed and fell asleep. But at least I enjoyed my Saturday. :D I was TEEN TOP-ing with Kayelean for the whole day. [: Then around 7 + I went to Northpoint to meet my mom. Then I saw Kayelean at the foodcourt. Then Watsons. Then Mcdonalds. HAHA. It is now 12.45AM. Ohyeah, it's the hungry ghost festival now. I'm kinda scared. I was gonna go bathe just now then my television switched on by itself. I was like, : " Lalalalalalaa -- WTF?! " then I started freaking out. And I sang 2NE1's song Go Away while bathing just now because I was so scared. Omg. Here's a message. Okay, please leave me alone, I'm sorry for all the bad things I've done even though I didn't really do any really bad things and I respect all of you, k. Peace. LOLOL. Don't judge me, I'm scared. Okay I shall stay up today, annyeong ! [:

Carol. <3

Thursday, July 28, 2011 Y 3:39 AM

Hellooooo. :D Currently chatting with Austin. I miss him so much. Why must he go to China. D: Anyways. I met Kayelean just nao. Went to pick up Kleio and then went to Mcdonalds. Nommed on twister fries and frenchfries. Then went home. Bought the floral-flavoured vitagen on the way home. [: I love themmmm. Especially the rose and elderflower flavoured ones. I can finish the whole pack in one day. Now there's only two bottles left. Anyway. School was fine today. FOR THE FIRST TIME, I FELT CONFIDENT FOR A MATHS TEST ! :D I have a feeling I will finally pass this time. YAYAY. [: Okay. I don't know what to say nao. Might update again later, annyeong ! ^~^

Carol. <3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011 Y 3:13 AM

Annyeong ! :D I just got back from schoooool. Just took a nice shower and it feels great. The weather is so nice today. (: Currently chatting with Kayelean, listening to Wedding Dress by Taeyang and drinking Premium Afternoon Tea. It tastes okay, but it's a little too sweet for me. :l School was fun this week. Hsin Yee and I always eats gummies in class. She'd bring a new flavor everyday. Yesterday was lychee and today was apple. AWESOME. Oh, I got 7/15 for my Pythagoras Theorem and Congruence and Similarity test. -.- I could've passed but Mr. Luo minused one whole mark just because I didn't write the units. VAT IS THIS. Omg. Wedding Dress is sho naise. It's one of the first korean songs I became obsessed with. I remember I was so upset because I couldn't read and pronounce the romanization last time so I couldn't sing along. So I came up with my own english lyrics. It was awesome. But I lost the paper. -.- But whatever. I can read romanizations perfectly well nao. :D
Okay. Idk what to say nao. Might update later. Kbye. :D

Carol. <3

Saturday, July 23, 2011 Y 7:37 AM

Helloooo. Updating now because I feel like it. :3 I'm currently listening to Hands Up by 2PM. And they sound totally great with my shiny pink samsung earphones :D The quality is so awesome. OH, Bernard's coming tomorrow! :D Yay. I feel so hyper when I listen to Hands Up. Such a party-ish song. It's like, the korean version of Like A G6 or something. PARTYPARTY ! :D Oh, I love Zhining :D Random much ? HEHE. I'm gonna stay up all night today. MUAHA. :D Okay, I shall go back to tweeting, youtubing and facebooking nao. Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Y 1:47 AM

Annyeong ! (: Posting nao. Now Playing - Marshmallow by ... -drumroll- My favourite singer ... IU! :D Nobody can ever take her away from me. No matter what stupid list you come up with or threaten to spread my secrets, nobody's making me stop idolizing IU unnie. So anyway. I slept for like, 15 hours. LOL. I went to bed yesterday around 10 and I woke up at 2 today. Ohmygod. Okay. School was okay. Okay. LOL. I don't know what to say nao. Might update later. Annyeong ! (:

Carol. <3

Thursday, July 21, 2011 Y 6:22 AM

I'm totally emo right now. .____. There's something wrong with my voice. After my sorethroat, I realized I cannot sing as well as last time anymore. I hope it's not permanent. I'm gonn' cry. I can't even sing Good Day properly anymore. The fuck. .___________. I'm going to cry. Be right back, crying a river.

Y 3:41 AM

Annyeong ! ^^ Posting now because I feel like it ~ HEHEHE. Now Playing - SUPA LUV by TEEN TOP ! (: CHUNJI & L.JOE oppa ~ ♥ School was fine today, I guess. :l There's been quite some drama this week. But it's not that bad. Don't feel like elaborating on it though. :l Anyway, I hope KAYEKAYE is enjoying her magic show ! ^^ WHICH SHE WENT WITHOUT ME. D: Lolol, just kidding. I'm not that interested in magic shows. HAHAH. My grandma cooked winglets ! ^^ Because it's my aunt's birthday. But I still want my Chicken Alfredo D: Okay, I don't know what to post now, might update again later. Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Sunday, July 17, 2011 Y 3:19 AM

Hellooooo. Currently blogging again because I feel like it. HEHE. I'm currently craving for kkomjangeo thanks to Key -.-" I was happily minding my own business watching Idol Maknae Rebellion and he had to mention kkomjangeo D: Oh, I had French Vanilla Coffee and Brazil Grilled Chicken Corn Chips for tea just now. I hate myself. -.- And as expected, I went to look at the mirror. There's like 2-3 new pimples on my forehead now. Well done, Carol, well done. You totally asked for it. -.- GO PIMPLES, SHOO. I don't want my face to become a PIMPLE PLANTATION >< I should pin up my fringe for school tomorrow, so I don't get more pimples. I'm using my blue denim ribbon to pin up my fringe nao. IT'S SO CUTE. :3 LOL. Okay. But our school doesn't allow us to use that. I got scolded by Mdm. Loh before I even finished pinning up my hair with it. -.- Okay, I don't know what to say now. Annyeong. (:

Carol. <3

Saturday, July 16, 2011 Y 10:35 PM

Hello. I'm posting again. :D My relatives are still here. :l They keep rushing me when I was taking my nice shower because they need to go to the bathroom. USE THE OTHER TOILET, GOODNESS. I was happily conditioning my hair and cleansing my face and then people come knocking on the bathroom door. D: Lol, I'm a bad host. BUT WHATEVER. D: Anyway. I had curry and roasted meat with rice for lunch. Oh, plus an egg. But I threw away the egg yolk 'cos I don't really like it. :l I'm craving for FRUIT SALAD now. What ? LOLOL, I know right. I appear to be craving for healthy stuff. o-o What. But whatever, because the weather is so hot. D: And I'm breaking out. -.-" Okay. OH. AND GREEN TEA IS LOVED. I don't know what to say now. Might update again later. Annyeong. (:

Carol. <3

Y 7:50 PM

GOOD MORNING WORLD ! :D I'm finally awake now. Was supposed to be awake like, 3 hours ago to go have the KFC BREAKFAST with my mom. But we both overslept. :l I slept late yesterday, okay. Anyway, there's a lot of good food in the kitchen now. And my relatives are here. And I'm in my own room drinking my coffee like a boss. LOL. (: Although there's all those food in the kitchen, I still want Chicken Alfredo -.- Omg, my skin feels super soft after using bubzbeauty's tip on washing your face in the morning. She said splash your skin with cold water first for 10 seconds and then start washing with the face cleanser. It worked. :D Currently listening to Breathe by MISS A♥! LOL, I think those are the only two songs I know from Miss. A :l But nevermind. HAHA. I love Suzy Unnie I loved her in Dream High as Go Hye Mi. So pretty. Hurhur. Okay, I don't know what to say now. Might update later. Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Y 8:50 AM

Annyeong. ^^ Posting again now. Because I AM BORED. And taking a break from youtubing. There's something wrong with my television. D: I can't switch the channels properly. I'll just watch it tomorrow because it'll probably be fixed by either my uncles, dad or grandpa. LOLOL. :3 Currently drinking my favorite hot green tea. I used the last teabag. D: I have to go buy more tomorrow. I'm having sorethroat. It feels terrible. D: Omg. I ate a bag of corn chips just now. x-x I hate myself. My sorethroat will just get worst. What's wrong with me. Okay. It's already like, 12AM but my grandma is still in the kitchen, preparing for my great-grandfather's death anniversary tomorrow. There's gonna be so much awesome food tomorrow. :D But no pain no gain. x-x My poor grandma has to be in the kitchen all night preparing. I wish I could help her. But I don't think she wants me to. She said I'll just create more trouble 'cos I don't know how to do anything. :l Which is kinda true. LOL. I'm feeling kinda hyper. Hurhur. :D Anyway, everybody's going crazy about Harry Potter. O: I haven't even watch Part 1 yet. *ashamed* LOLOL. Okay, I seriously love GREEN TEA. It's the best. (Y) Okay. I don't know what to say now. Might update again later. Annyeong. (:
Carol. <3

Y 6:46 AM

Annyeong ! (: I'm here to post again. 'Cos I love blogger. ^^ I love Saturday nights the best ! HEHE. I don't know why, but I think that Saturday nights are much more awesome than Saturday ... day(?) LOLOL. :D Watching Chef's Kiss :D Now I'm craving for Chicken Alfredo thanks to Kevin and Eli oppa. D: They made it look so yummilicious. I WANT TO NOM CHICKEN ALFREDO. D: I shall get that the next time I go to Pastamania. :D I'm feeling a bit sick. :( I caught a colddddd. Mehh. Can't stop sneezing. :l Okay. I don't know what to say now. Gonna go back to chatting and watching Chef's Kiss. Might update again later. Annyeong. (:

Carol. <3

Y 1:33 AM

Hello. Posting now because I'm bored. I'm hungryyyyy. :( I NEED NOMS. I only had some porridge for the whole day. This is such a lazy Saturday. I'm taking a break from youtubing now. I'll continue later. Currently chatting with ZHINING. Love her so muchh. ^^ She's the most awesomest crazy darlie ever. I feel like going to the gas station to get food but then I'm lazy to get my butt off the chair. D: And sun is blazing outside. Once I step out, I'm sure I'll start sweating. I hate being sweaty and sticky. :/ I'm craving for the crispy tofu skin that my school sells. It's awesome. (Y) Even more awesomer than fried wanton. Anyway, I can't wait for August for a lot of reasons. (: OHOH, I finally completed my tagboard. YOU LIKE? :B HEHEHE. Okay, I don't know what to say now. Might update later. ANNYEONG ! ^~^

Carol. <3

Friday, July 15, 2011 Y 10:32 PM

Annyeong. (: Posting now because I'm bored. HEHE. Listening to 0330 :D My favorite song, ever. I didn't use the laptop at all yesterday because I was so tired when I got home that I just bathed and fell asleep. D: Nuuu. I wanted to have a U-KISS marathon yesterday. Ohwell. I'll have it today. LOLOL. Lessons yesterday was kinda okay, I guess. :l Had home economics. Cooked chicken with roasted cashew nuts. :D It looked totally delicious. I was so proud of myself. But then I tasted it. It was ... interesting. :l Got scolded by Mdm. Loh, again. ._. Everytime. Tsk. CCA was tiring as usual. Blah. Went to Northpoint to wait for my mom. Ran into SHARMAINE ! :D My mom treated us to pastamania. :D Okay. I don't know what to say now. I shall go and youtube now. Annyeong ! (:

Carol. <3

Thursday, July 14, 2011 Y 7:54 AM

Annyeong. Currently posting because I feel like it. (: I suddenly remembered this picture. Isn't it so pretty? I love it. (: Currently watching U-KISS' Midnight Idol.Yay, in about an hour, it'll be FRIDAY I love Fridays. Except from 2-6PM. 'Cos there's choir. :l It's not that I don't like it. It's just so tiring sometimes. Anyway. There's home economics tomorrow. :3 We gonn' be cookin' something delicious ~ Well, I'm not sure if mine will turn out delicious. :l My creation from last week was a total disaster. Because I like heavy flavors, so I just dumped all the seasonings and whatever in. Yeahh ... didn't turn out so well. LOLOL. Nevermind, I learnt from my lesson. HEHE. The weather is so hot. -.- I think imma go take a bathe at 11, and then go to bed at about 12.15. :D Okay. I don't know what to say now. Update next time ! Okay ANNYEONG ! ^^

Carol. <3

Y 12:51 AM

Annyeong ! ^-^ Just got back from school. Feels great after showering. :D Currently listening to Bad Girl Good Girl by Miss A. ^^ OMO, TOMORROW IS THE Korean Music Wave! But sadly, I can't go. But nevermind, I'll be supporting all my favorite idols in my heart. (: Especially U-KISS! ^^ Dongho oppa ~ HEHE, OMG. He's sho cute. :3 Okay. Short post. I shall youtube now. Might update later ! ^~^

Carol. <3

Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Y 6:56 AM

Hello ! ^-^ Currently risking my life using the laptop just to blog. LOLOL. My brother's teacher called today. She said that my brother hasn't been handing in homework and he has been sleeping in class. So my grandfather got so pissed and said whoever uses the laptop, he'll throw it away. I'm using it in my room. (Y) Smart. LOL. Today has been fine. School was normal and I don't feel like elaborating. LOLOL. I just doodled in class. Currently chatting with Sharmaine. I LOVE HER. :D Okay. I don't know what to say now. Short post. Okay. Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Monday, July 11, 2011 Y 7:39 AM

Sharmaine Jean L. David. I seriously, fucking love you. Omg, I'm totally like, crying buckets right now. So, my life hasn't been so perfect. But thankyou for always being here with me. I'm not gonna lie, my life has been pretty depressing for these past few weeks. But you were always the one next to me, you never leave me alone. Thankyou, truckloads. I know sometimes I take you for granted, and I'm sorry. I don't know what I'd do without you around. I'd probably die of severe depression already. LOL. You've always been here, ever since P5, actually. I was growing apart with my best friend, for 5 years. And she didn't even care. I was really depressed but you cheered me up and you totally changed me. And I remember in P6 while I was being dissed and backstabbed. You always trusted me and you always stand up for me. And then there was the birthday party that no one showed up. You came, and we had a blast together. And now, whenever I'm feeling insecure, you never fail to chat with me and cheer me up. I love you because the way you cheer me up is not like any other boring old "counselling" thing. Which dampens the whole atmosphere even more. You totally make me do crazy ass shit and always make super funny yet sometimes racist and insulting comments. LOL. Now, during this fucked up moment in my life, you're here with me again and you're doing what you do again. Thankyou, Sharmaine. I hope that we can stay best friends forever until I die. With you around, I'll never have to worry about being alone, ever. I LOVE YOU. ♥ Please never ever leave me. P.S. LOL, I seriously cried a bucket full of tears writing this.

Y 12:12 AM

Hello people ! (: I just got back from school. Feels so great after showering ! ^^ School was kinda okay today. :l Pretty boring, seriously. -.- First we had the morning assembly. The teachers put up this performance about science and math. The science one was kinda, with a freaking explosion. (Y) But the maths one was just ... meh. -.- After assembly, PD period. Miss. Tow taught us how to fold some origami things. I didn't listen. What's the use anyway, sheesh. Just chatted and doodled with Peggy. After that, Chinese. Pretty okay. Nothing much happened. After Chinese, DOUBLE PERIOD MATH. -.- Surprisingly, it was kinda fun. o-o Played around. Mr. Luo isn't scary at all. Damn fun to bully. LOLOLOL. Yay, then recess. Had MUSHROOM AND SHREDDED CHICKEN NOODLES and it's seriously like, fucking delicious. I added one crab stick and one fried wanton, so all together it was just $2. FREAKING LOVE. After that, got a bottle of Mango Smoothie from the vending machine and went up back to class. It was science. Learnt on the Human Reproductive System. Most amusing topic, ever. Then it was History and then Literature. -.- BLEAH, HATE. THEN IT WAS PE ! :D Learnt about Safety While Doing Sports. It was kinda fun. LOLOL, the videos of people falling down and smacking into each other made all of us laugh. We're so mean, but whatever, it is kinda amusing. Okay, I don't know what to say nao. :l Might update again later, okay ANNYEONG ! ^^

Carol. <3

Sunday, July 10, 2011 Y 7:04 AM

Hellooo ! ^-^ Posting again now because I feel like it. It's my 200th post ! Hehe ! ^^ Currently watching Idol Maknae Rebellion (: I love my Dongho oppa ^~^ Jung Juri unnie is so funny ! Omg. There's school tomorrow. -.- It's okay, I kinda like school now, but I don't feel like waking up early. D: And going to bed early. I don't know why, but I kinda enjoy taking the bus to school. LOL, I'm weird. :l I'm suddenly craving for cookies. I miss sitting at the back of the class somehow. Peggy & I would always start munching on our secret stash of food. :P But now we can't, we sit in the second row. :( Ohwell. I guess we can get better results like that. My SA1 results seriously stunk. ._. OH, I found my blue ribbon. ^-^ For my hair. It's sho cute. <3 KEKEKE. Okay, I shall go back to my video watching now. Annyeong ! ^~^

Carol. <3

Y 3:59 AM

Okay, I shall blog again now because I think my new blogskin is awesometastic. I think I'll spend today watching Smosh and Shane Dawson. Those awesome people. LOL. Sharmaine and I agreed that we gonn' live together when we grow up. And we'd just order take-out foods everyday and do random crazy ass shit everyday. HAHA. That's cool. And then we'd make cool videos like Smosh and gain a lot of fans. (Y) We so clever. Oh and there was this weird conversation between me and Sharmaine about our future kid's names. I'm not gonn' use it. :P But it's still funny anyway. Lemme share it with y'all.

Kayelean's Kid - Virginia.
Nathalie's Kid - Pen.

So it'd be totally epic when they are playing together, and for some reason they start fighting, we can shout : " OMG, PEN IS ON VIRGINIA ! GET HIM OFF ! "
Get it ? xD If you don't, you're hella slow.

Oh, and.

Sharmaine's Kid = Hammer.
My Kid = Nail.

So Sharmaine can say " HAMMER'S BANGING NAIL. (: "

That dirty woman. HAHAHAHAHA. I love my friends. LOL.

Okay, I don't know what to say now. Might update again later.

Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Y 3:13 AM

Annyeong ! ^^ Such a longlonglong time since I've posted. Missed me ? KEKEKE. Celebrated Kayelean's birthday together with Sharmaine, Danielle, Nathalie and Rynell yesterday. (: We had fun. We literally all flew into the seats of the bus when the bus started moving, and TURNED when we were still walking to the seats. I felt like a ninja. I flew like, just nice into the seat and my shoe flew off and landed on the seat beside me. Sharmaine flew towards the window and almost smacked her face against it. HAHAHA. I'm listening to Heart to Heart by 4 Minute ! ^-^ I love that song ! Ohyeah, I know that all of you, whoever is stalking me, misses me, so I shall "reward" you by posting two extremely chio pictures of myself. :3 And my good friend Zhi Ning. Keke. But in one of them her face is covered by a smiley, but whatever. HEHE. Okaaaay. I don't know what to say now. Might update later ! ^^ Annyeong !

Carol. <3


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That girl.

Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

♥ - Singing & Listening to music.
♥ - Shopping.
♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
♥ - Hanging out with my amis.
♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

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The sweet escape.

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