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Sunday, August 28, 2011 Y 8:39 PM

Hellooooo. Just woke up. [: Gonna meet Sharmaine and go for Koi later, around 12. Yes, I know it's already 11.41 and I should be bathing and getting ready now, but I'm lazy. D: Omg Joe Brooks is so cute. *-* Okay, I'll end off here. Totally short and pointless post. HAHA. Okay, I'll update when I come back. :D ANNYEONG !

Carol. <3

Y 8:29 AM

Annyeonggggg. [: Currently posting because I feel like it. Just finished bathing. Something terrible happened. A piece of string came off from my shorts while I was putting them on after bathing, and it cut my thumb. Although I've already put a bandage on it, it's still burning. D: It cut my thumb sideways, the place near to my nail. And now it looks like that part is kinda like, split into two. Ew. But at least there's no bleeding. Thank god. It's the part where the nail is, I think. Ouch. ._. Hopefully it gets better soon. Who knew a piece of string could be that dangerous. Be careful, everybody. Okay. So, Kayelean suddenly died on me. She's suddenly like, MIA on twitter, facebook and sms. -.- I think she fell asleep or something. That woman. Anyway, I'm going to Koi with Sharmaine tomorrow. :D YAY. CARAMELCARAMELCARAMEL. <3 Kayelean wants Ovaltine, so being the good jie I am, I will buy for her. <: Omg, I wanna watch Jaws. Everybody says it's so scary. I forgot whether I've watched or not. Even if I did, it must've been when I was super young because I don't remember. But I just read the wikipedia and I'm like, OMGG I WANNA WATCHHH. D: OH, and Happy 3rd Year Anniversary UKISS! I will always love you guys no matter what, I promise. You're the best. UKISS DAEBAKK! :D Okehh, I'll end off here now. Chatting with Sharmaine. Okay, annyeong ! [:

Carol. <3

I'll support you guys no matter what. Fighting. [:

Saturday, August 27, 2011 Y 6:43 AM

Goodevening peopleeeeeeee. Posting now because I feel like it. Just finished bathing. <: It's so quiet in my house today. My dad & grandparents are all out for some dinner. YAY. So it's only my mom, my brother & I. FREEEEEEEDOM. I'm so hungry. :( There's nothing to eat for dinner. Have to eat instant noodles, again. But I'm lazy to go ask my mom to make for me. I know what you're thinking, k. I'm scared to work the gas thing myself, don't judge me. Kayelean went to Sakura International Buffet. I'm jealous. All the suuuuuuushi. Omg, and UNAGI. D: Omg, I want unagi. Okay, that's it. I'm gonna tell my mom to make the instant noodles for me. I can't stand it anym. D: Might update again later. Annyeongggg. [:

Carol. <3

I have a condition in which makes me want to eat whenever I can't sleep. It's called, insom-nomnom-nia.

Y 12:01 AM

Annyeonggg. I'm posting again because I feel like it. <: Yes. I am craving for Starbucks. Again. But this time, it's the Strawberries & Creme frappuccino. D: Why are they all so good. My playlist is currently on shuffle. It's playing Ok! by B1A4. [: Omggg. Gongchannnn. That cute little maknae. Currently waiting for Kayelean to text me. Might be meeting her at Dessert Story for SNOW ICE after her cat class. <: Omg, nomnomnom. OH BTW, KAYELEAN JUST GOT HER IPHONE 4. Omg, I'm jealous. D: Why does everyone have an iPhone. Aish, nevermind. I think I'm getting my HTC CHACHA soon. It's better than nothing. :l OKAY, I'll endd off here now. Might update again later. [: ANNYEONG ! ^^

Carol. <3

Friday, August 26, 2011 Y 9:41 PM

Annyeonggggggggg. [: What a nice weather today. Looks like it's gonna rain. Yay. Currently listening to Fiction by B2ST. I like the song. Especially the piano intro. Sho pretty. [: Watched Invincible Youth just now while eating my brunch and drinking iced green tea. Okehh. I don't know who to say now. This is a totally pointless post. LOL. Update later. [: Annyeongggg.

Carol. <3

onuldo in fiction.

Y 9:48 AM

Annyeong. [: Posting now because I feel like it. I heard Someday by UKISS just now and I think that it's my newest favourite song now. [: It made me cry when I first listened to it. It means so much. It totally describes how I feel. And it's telling me that even though things are tough, a day to smile will come eventually. And one day, the long and painful days will be in the past. That's when I completely lost it. I started bawling. ._. LOL. Well. Moving away from that topic. I'm reading a KevinWoo fanfic now because I'm a fangirl like that. :D Oh, had nakji for dinner. <: It's korean octopus. So spicy, with all the chogojuchang. But I survived. Yay. Okay, nothing much to say now. Might update again later. Ohyeah, the image is taken from tumblr, not mine. [: Okay. Gonn' watch MusicBank. Annyeong. [:

Carol. <3

Everybody knows you've tried, everybody knows it's alright.

Thursday, August 25, 2011 Y 11:02 PM

Annyeonggggg. [: Just got home from school. On a Friday. Yay. [: Drinking greentea with lotsalotsa icecubes. [: Today was fine, I guess. <: Went well. First we had ICT lessons. Finished the animation task in like, 10 minutes and surfed the net throughout the whole lesson. <: Ohyeah, I went to tumblr and saw gifs of Kevin from the teaser of Neverland and I basically just spazzed over him for the whole day, no big deal. After that, it was History. Also known as the suckiest subject ever. Which has the suckiest teacher, ever. I daydreamed through the whole lesson. Didn't bother to listen to her. I'd rather read my own notes. I would learn better that way. After that, RECESS!! Nommed on my food and then went up to the kitchen for Home Economics. Had the exam. Made savoury scones. It was fine. I think. :l I forgot to add baking powder and my scones wouldn't bake properly. Everybody else's was like, golden brown and smells so nice, while mine is all ... soggy and dull. -.- Mdm.Loh ordered me to put it back into the oven and bake again. Turned out better than just now, but still, meh. I forced Jeremy to try it. He said it was good. <: Sucha nice guy, I know his lying. Lul. After Home Economics, it was Science and then English.. Nothing interesting happened. After that, I came home. <: And I forced myself to eat all three of my scones. I hope I don't get food poisoning/diarrhea. -.- Okay. I'll end off here. Update again later. [: Annyeongggg.

Carol. <3

Let's fly away to Neverland together.

Y 9:24 AM

Okay, so I just found a korean learning website and I feel like posting a goodnight post using only the korean language. Because I'm cool like that. And because I'm so polite, I'm gonna use formal language. [:
Annyonghi jumushipsiyo! [: Nan god jaleo galgeyo. Neomu pigon haeyo. Geunyang nan hangug-eoleul hal su. nal pandanhaji anhseubnida, k. Ok, nan ije gaya hae. Nado jollyeo. Dalkomhan kkum! ^^

Carol. <3

saranghago ittdan marya.

Y 6:28 AM

Helloo. Posting again now because I feel like it. [: Currently listening to Starlight Moonlight by Secret. Such a nice song. [: OH, I went to Gladys' blog just now, and I found a picture of the rainbow cake that I posted on my blog too that she posted. That's so cool. Everybody loves rainbow cake, you gotta admit it. I just finished a frenchfry covered hotdog from dongdaemun. It's yummilicious. I can't wait for UKISS' comeback. Lalala. I'm so not looking forward to tomorrow. -.- It's our home economics examinations and we have to bake savoury scones. I don't even know how to preheat the oven. I'm screwed. Sigh. Oh well, I tried. Oh, and I made up with huixian. [: We've been ignoring each other for the past few days because of some stupid stuff. But it's all cool now. [: OH, and btw, I'm in Mr. Roy's class for guitar lessons and not Mr. Toh's! I'm surprised that I'm not one of the pupils who need extra attention. Because my chord-changing is seriously ... "daebakk". [: Oh, and look at that picture there. That's my husband, hehe. Isn't he shooo cute? <: I love you baby. HEHE. Yes. I'm in love with a korean guy that doesn't even know I exist, don't judge me. Imagine if I saw him on the streets. I might go ninja on him. Then they would have to get security to pull me away from him. LOLOL, okay maybe not that bad. But still. LOL. I might. You never know. OKAY, TOMORROW IS FINALLY FRIDAY! :D -happydance- Okay, I've talked too much alr. I'll end off here, annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3

Y 3:00 AM

Hi waddduuupppp. Just woke up. HEHE. [: I came home and fell asleep immediately. See how hardworking I was in school? <: HEHE, anyway, I got A1 for Chinese and C5 for MATHS ! Omg, I improved a lot in Maths ! :D I'm so pleased with myself. (Y) Currently listening to Queen by Som Dam Bi unnie. [: OHOHOHOHOH! I just saw the teaser of U-KISS' NEVERLAND! OMGOMGOMG. KEVIN IS JUST SO ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL. I can't wait for their comeback ! ^^ Forever KissMe ~ ! ^-^ U-KISS DAEBAKK!. HEHEHEHE. Ohyeah, I got a lot of lollipops in school today. :D yay. Well, I guess I'll end off here. Might update again later. ^^ Annyeong !

Carol. <3

Ladies, this is your story. <3

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 Y 3:17 AM

Annyeonggg. [: Posting again now because I'm bored. -.- Gonna go bathe soon. Have to go for the dinner. Hyuuuuu. :l OHOHOH! UKISS' NEWEST TEASER IS COMING OUT IN 3 DAYS! *uberexcitedfangirlscream* Omgggggg. Kevin, Dongho, Eli, Hoon, Soohyun, AJ, Kiseop ! I miss Xander and Bummie though. :[ Currently listening to Hyangsuppurijima - TEEN TOPPP ! <3 :D NOONA NOONA JIMAAAAAAAAAAN. Hehehehe. Okehhs, off to do my stuffs now, annyeong. [:

Carol. <3


Y 1:20 AM

Annyeonggg ! [: Just got back from school and currently drinking Premium Milk Green Tea with lotsa lotsa ice cubes. :D Had a fun day in school today. LOL. Wenkai the CUTE, Calvin the PRETTY and Ng Kai the PINKLOVER. wtf. Crazy ass people. xD Listening to Bbiribom Bberibom. Again. It grew on me. At first I was like, " Wtf? Does this even have a meaning? " and later I'm just like, " Ah, screw it, it's catchy and I like it. *replays 23848553 times* " Ohyeah. Bought a packet of Tomato flavored twisties ! :D So long since I've had them. Man, next week's gonn' be AWESOMETASTIC.
Monday - Presidential election, so no school.
Tuesday - Hari Raya, no school either.
Wednesday - Parent Teacher Meeting. Just go get reportcard & go homee.
Thursday - Teachers' Day Celebrations.
Friday - Teachers' Day holiday.
YAAAAY. I'm going for a dinner thingy later at night with my family. I think it's for the seventh lunar month thing. YAY GOOD FOOD. [: Okay, I don't know what to say now. So I shall end off here. Might update again later. ^^ Annyeong !

Carol. <3

eheheheheh bbiribom.

Monday, August 22, 2011 Y 7:11 AM

Omo, I'm so excitedddd. Currently waiting for Simon & Martina aka EatYourKimchi to upload the newest KPOP MUSIC MONDAY. A lot of people says it's gonn' be Teen Top's DON'T SPRAY PERFUME! OMGGGG. HYANGSUPPURIJIMAAAAAAA. Omg, I've been waiting two freaking weeks for them to review this. I'm so exciteddddd. Fingers-crossed that it's really teen top. Omgomgomg. Okehhs, this was just a random post to pass time while waiting. OKAY ANNYEONG ! OFF TO FANGIRL!

Carol. <3

Hyangsuppurijimaaa ...

Y 5:01 AM

Helloooo. Updating now because I just edited my blog and I'm sho pleased with it. HEHEH. :3 Just finished my dinner of sausages and eggs and of course, GREENTEA. It sounds like breakfast. :l But nevermind, but it's still good. GAHH, I'm currently craving for those awesome Iced Green Tea Cream Lattes from Starbucks. D: Haven't had it in sucha long time. It's really gooood. I don't know why Kayelean, Nathalie & Sharmaine don't like. They all prefer Caramel Frappuccinos. I still remember Nathalie's face when she first tasted the iced green tea latte at Starbucks. So epic. Lol. It's the same face when she tried my green tea icecream. :l Now that I think about it, I think Nat has some issues with green tea. LOL. But I love it, k. :3 Okay, I don't know what to say anym. I'll end off here then. [: Might update again later. Annyeong ~ ! ^^

Carol. <3

Please give me the first kiss. <3

Y 12:27 AM

Okay, this post is going to be filled with all the desserts and stuff I saw from tumblr. They're all so pretty. D: I'm hungry now, ffuu. Okay. Here goes.

Sunday, August 21, 2011 Y 11:55 PM

Annyeongggg. :D Just got home from school. ^^ Currently drinking iced water and listening to Bbiribom Bberibom by Co-Ed. I have no idea what meaning that song has, but at least it's catchy. Oh yeah, I lost my wallet again yesterday. D: Luckily my student pass was with my mom. Now I'm back to using that pink checkers metal frame wallet Nathalie gave me. It's nice. [: School was fine today. Pretty fun actually. FILLED WITH LAUGHTERS, HAHAH. Okay, started off the day with some talk about being responsible pet owners. ALL THE PICTURES OF THE ANIMALS WERE SO CUTE. Especially the cats. <3 There was this video of this poor lil' doggy. :( It couldn't even stand up and it was struggling because it had some kind of disease in the legs. :( If I had a pet, I would treat it like freaking royalty. I'm serious. I went to have crabs for dinner last time, there was a poor little stray kitty, and I fed it an entire crab claw thing. Okay, I know we're not supposed to feed strays, but it looked so cute. D: FFUUU, I want a pet cat. D: I would love it so muchhhh. Okay, I don't know what to say now. Might update again later. [: Annyeong ~

Carol. <3

I want Caramel Milk Tea. <3

Y 5:58 AM

Annyeonggggg. [: Posting again. HELLO ! Merherher. I'm hypering nao. Currently walling with Kayekaye and listening to B1A4's Only Learned Bad Things. <: Nice song eh. HEHE, oh, look at that handsome guy in the blue suit. HEHE. That's my husband yo. You sexy ass <3 [: Saranghaee Chunji oppaaaaa. I'm craving for custard thanks to Kayelean. I remember I had that at Rynell's New Year party two years ago. Omnomnomnom. Okay, random and short post. I'll endd off here. [: Buhhbyes !

Carol. <3

Y 3:01 AM

Annyeonggg. Posting now because I feel like it, heheh. It's Sunday. Which means it's Monday tomorrow, nuuuuu. D: Well, at least there's no CCA tomorrow. Currently listening to Ma Boy by Sistar. :D Omgg, Hyolyn and Bora's voice sho pretty. And they're so pretty too. T-T Why are they so pretty. Okay. So anyway, went to Northpoint with my mummy just nao. :D Had Pastamniaaaa. Whee. [: I nommed on Dory Baked Rice while mummy nommed on meatball spaghetti. After that, walked around Northpoint, shopped and stuff. I bought two pairs of earrings! :D A pair of Hello Kitty ones and a pair of a Lock & Key ones. After walking around, shopping somemore, went to buy bulgogi for my brother and then went to Mcdonalds ! :D Tried the Salad Chicken Mcgrill. It was, okay. But I don't think it was worth $6+ :( There wasn't even fries. Aw. Sighhhh. Where's Kayelean? D: I'm waiting for her to come online. LALA. Should I watch Heartstrings? Everyone says it's so nice. Maybe. Okaay, idk what to say now, I'll endd of here. [: Might update again later. ^^

Carol. <3

HelloKitty is so kyeopta~

Friday, August 19, 2011 Y 9:25 AM

Hellooo. Posting again now because I feel like it. Herherher. Okehs. I just finished bathing and I'm currently listening to Clap by Teen Top. HEHE. Teen Top AGAIN? Yes, Teen Top again. Omg, Chunji is just soooo cute, k. -fangirlmode- Just finished my organic green tea thing. It looks like pee, no offence, it just does. But it's still nice anyway. :D Ohyea, just now was Jeremy's birthday! I forgot. D: So I just kinda, rushed a quick birthday note through History class when Mr. Ram was talking about some ghost stories. He better thank me for being such an awesome friend. HEHE. I'M SO CRA-CRA-CRAZY, CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP MADMAN! Oh, Teen Top. <3 HERHER. :3 I'm weird. But that's how I roll. Okays, I think I'll end off here, I haz nothing to say for now. :l I might update again later if I'm bored, or something. HEHE, okay, annyeong! ^~^

Carol. <3

Y 7:01 AM

Annyeong my pplz ! :D Posting now because I feel like it. HEHE, haven't been updating as often as last time, aww. D: Okay, so today our class went to the Science Centre for some crime scene investigation thing. I was superduper happy because that means I didn't need to stand for 4 hours in choir. :D Yaaay. Then after we went to Science Centre, we were dropped off at school and I went to Northpoint to wait for my mummy. [:
Bought a pair of star earrings, a hot pink furry(?) hairband, 4 colourful hairbands, a packet of bobby pins and a sparkly purple comb. After that I went to Popular and read the True Singapore Ghost Stories books while waiting for mummy. Then after that went to the Cafe Cartel and had honey baked ribs for dinner together with mummy and went home. LALA. :D LEE CHUNJI is forever the angel in my heart. <3 HEHE. Okehhs, idk what to say nao. Might update again later, annyeong ! [:

Carol. <3

Saturday, August 13, 2011 Y 9:57 AM

Annyeong ! [: So long since I've posted. HAHAH. But anyway, here I am. HI ! :D It's currently 1AM but I'm still feeling so fly like a G6. I just finished bathing, that's why. :D Drinking my organic green tea. It looks like pee, I'm sorry, but it just does, k. Don't judge me. I love Lee Chan Hee aka Chunji. Okaaaaay. Heeheehee. He is the cutest, most handsome boy evaaaaaaaaar. My boyfriend. <3 HEHEHE. I love youuuu my angeeeeeeel. <3 (: Ohyeah, I've been into 2NE1 songs recently. They're haz got the swag yo. ESPECIALLY IN I'M THE BEST. BOM RATATATA, TATATATATA, BEAT ! :D HEHEH. I'm hypering. I'm really not craving that much for anything because I'm kinda full. :l Had instant noodles for dinner just now. LALALALA. Okay, I don't know what to say now. I'll end off here. Might update again later. Okay, byeeees. (:

Carol. <3

Sunday, August 7, 2011 Y 9:30 AM

Hellooooo. Sorry for not updating for such a long time. D: I was too busy. Okay fine, I was TEEN TOP-ing with Kayelean for the whole week. Lee Chunji oppa is sho cute. [: His killer wink & lip-bite omfg. *dead* Okaay. I shall not spazz over my boyfriend here. I'll post a picture of him though. HEHE. Okay. So tomorrow is the National Day celebrations. Whee. No school yo. Then I'll be meeting Kayelean. Yay. Okay. I have nothing to say now. Short post. I'll end off here. Annyeong. [:

Carol. <3

Monday, August 1, 2011 Y 12:34 AM

Annyeong. Just finished bathing after coming home from school. I feel so proud of myself, I paid attention in class today and took down all the notes. :D Hehe. Currently listening to Angel by TEEN TOP. It's such a beautiful song. It makes me want to tear. D: Niel and Chunji oppa's voices are so pretty. Oh yeah, the Shanghai people arrived today. ^^ I hope they have fun at Universal Studios ! [: I had mushroom and shredded chicken noodles for lunch today. Nomnomnom. Heheh. Okay. I don't know what to say now. Might update again later. I'll end off now. Annyeong ! ^^

Carol. <3


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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

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-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

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