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Thursday, September 22, 2011 Y 1:48 AM

Annyeong, I'm here to post again. Suuuup. [: It's Thursday already, so fast omg. Today went pretty well, I think. It was raining super heavily in the morning though. I told Kayelean that the wind was trying to eat my face. Yes, eat my face. I say things like that, don't judge me. Oh, and because it was raining so heavily, my grandma wouldn't let me walk to the bus stop myself with my cute ass pink umbrella. So in the end she walked me there and made me use some huge ass purple umbrella. LOLOL. BIEBER COLOR! <: So anyway, reached school around 8.10, rushed Art a little, and then went downstairs for Assembly. I cheered super loud for Jeremy and Raj when they went on stage to receive their prizes, I'm such a good friend. They better love me. [: So after assembly, it was Music! Me gustaaaa. :B Mr. Roy asked me if I had guitar foundations already and stuff, because I'm so awesome. HEHEH. Okay, no. He saw me doing something completely idiotic and somehow it was the right thing lol. Okay, the rest of the day was like, blah. LOLOL. Normal stuff that I feel lazy to elaborate on. :/ My favourite part of the day was when I got to go home with Ruthra. It's my favourite part because I was going home. And I like to go home. Ohyesyes, I hope UKISS wins mnet countdown today. They totally deserve it. UKISS FIGHTING. [: Okay, I'll end off here now, annyeong ! [:

Carol. <3

So baby don't cry, look into my eyes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Y 2:04 AM

Hellooooooo. I'm here to update again. Waddup. [: Just got back from meeting Kayeleann for lunchh at Subway. We split a meatball marinara sub into two because we're cool like dat. <: HEHEH. I had a peanut butter cookie to feed my undying peanut butter addiction. #happygirl97 But even though I had the peanut butter cookie, I'm still craving for peanut butter cups. D: They look so gooooood. Ohyeah, today was a fine day at school, except for some parts. -.- Goshhh. Anyway, it's Wednesday today and that means there's no assembly! YAYAYAY. I don't like assembly. -.- Especially in the courtyard, it's just, no. So first period was Home Economics. Mdm. Loh came in and talked and talked and talked but I don't know if I was really listening to her. LOLOL. I know that we're making on Friday though. I hope I don't screw up again. -.- Okay, so after Home Economics, it was PE. VOLLEYBALL OMG. -.- I wonder how many of my cells died playing volleyball. My wrist will seriously go all red. THE PAINNNNN. But I survived anyway. I almost lost my wallet. -.- I left it on the bench and was about to go up to class already, and I heard Ming Searn shout " WHO'S WALLET ! " And I was curious, so I just took a look and I was like, OMG, I forgot to take my wallet? Thank god. -.- If I lost it again, I am going to get it from my parents and grandparents. I lost my wallet like, 4 times this year. Whut. Okay, so after PE, it was English. Had oral, but I didn't get to do because there wasn't enough time, so I guess I'm doing tomorrow. [: YAYAY. More time to practice. But I'm not going to practice anyway lol. -.- I'm too lazy. Don't judge me. After English, was RECESS! <: Had lor mee and then went up to class to study for Geography and Science test. HEHEH, even though I didn't study and listen in class through these two subjects, I think I did pretty well for the tests. <: 'Cos it's pretty much just common sense. So we did tests for Geography and Science after recess and then after Science it was Literature, I think. -.- OHMYGOD. Mr. Rama made me do push-ups because I couldn't answer his dang questions. I told him I'd do sit ups instead because I didn't know how to do push-ups. :l Okay, noob, I know, I just don't know how, okay. -.- Sheesh, what's the big deal, not like it affects YOU in anyway. No need to make so many comments right. So anyway, after Literature was Chinese and then Mathh, mehh, nothing muchh happened. Pretty much just slacked through the whole thing. <: Omg, fuck, I have to hand in my art assignment tomorrow and I haven't completed it yet. Okay, I'll end off here now, might update again tomorrow. [: Annyeong!

Carol. <3

Watch out for karma, you.

Friday, September 16, 2011 Y 9:20 PM

Annyeonggggggg. [: Posting now because I feel like it. HEHEH. [: I'm currently addicted to Love Letter For You by IU and Key and Kissing You by IU and Teen Top [: Omgggg. IU unnie's just so perfect, I'm gonn' crey. D: Anyways, I'm meeting Kayelean also known as my bestest random ass pretty crazy ass friend and sister evar at Starbucks later for a study date. She's supposed to bring along Kleio but Kleio has fever. D: Aww. Get well soon Kleiooo. Okehh. I don't know what to say now. Short post. HEHEH. Shall update again later. ANNYEONGG !

Carol. <3

Kissing You Oh My Love.

Thursday, September 15, 2011 Y 11:38 PM

Annyeonggggg. Hai waddup people. [: Okehh, I know I haven't posted in a veryveryvery long time. But I have a good excuse. Okay I don't. I was just plain lazy and didn't feel like posting so I didn't. [: LOLOL. So anyways, I've been spazzing over UKISS' Neverland for the past few weeks. I love my Kevinnie so muchh. HEHEH. [: I'm sorry Chunji, but it's better this way. LOLOL. HAHAHAH. whut. Currently listening to Good Day. [: OHYEAHH. CCAs are suspended. YAAAAAY. -happydance- I'm so happy. HEHEH. I hope UKISS wins Music Bank today. [: I made Pineapple Upside-down Cake for Home Economics today. And as usual my cooking was seriously DAEBAKK. LOLOL. So you can guess how it turned out. Okehh, nothing muchh to say now. Might update again later. Enjoy this awesomely cute picture of my bby. [: Annyeong !

Carol. <3

Take me away to Neverland


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Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
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