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Sunday, July 29, 2012 Y 6:25 AM

hayyy again guise
I knew yall excited to sea me
or rather, see mah post
this so demanding y'know
but i do this for the people
i do this
i love you guys
so here have some ponies

arent they just adoorable??
i mean, look at all the colours!
the happyness
makes me wonder
what would we be like if we were ponies
then i guess being hipsta would be like being grey
and you'll have to be bald
and stuff
then normal would be like
and you can go naked all day
that's kewl but disturbing
but i bet you perverts out there would like it
you disgust me
but it's okay because i love you
i love y'all

Y 6:05 AM

heyyy guyyys
 i'm updating cuz I'm so fab
fabber than you, darrrrling
and like, I'm like, soooooo fab like, DUR
and what's up with DA whether!!!!
 like OMG!!11!111!!!111one
 and I'm being with ma homies
 they be so chill
as chill as antarctica
 with all da penguins and polar bears
 they be all cool
 but not me cuz
 i'm like hawt
baby i'm sizzling

Saturday, January 7, 2012 Y 6:31 AM

This post, is for my best friend Sharmaine Jean. I just feel so grateful to have you in my life, because you're always here for me, and you're one of the very few people that actually get me. You never really judge me, and you really love me for who I am. I'm so grateful to the point that I can actually cry writing this. Stupid, I know. But I hardly have anyone here that really loves me and cares about my feelings for who I am. The one who's not afraid to stand up for me. You always do. You're like my life buoy, always letting me hold onto you. You're the only one that won't suddenly leave me and not even care when I'm breaking down and crying, the only one who won't get angry at me for the stupidest reasons, and the one that doesn't care that I'm a really awkward person. The only one that won't leave me alone, like all the rest. Thank you, Sharmaine. There's no other friend like you. I love you more than you can ever imagine.

Saturday, November 19, 2011 Y 10:16 PM

Hey there people. (: What a pointless and lazy Sunday afternoon. Seriously. Mom doesn't want to go out with me, and Sharmaine's busy today with her family. :/ Kayelean's upset right now, and I don't know where the hell Nathalie is. But nevermind, hopefully this day will get better for everyone later on. Anyway, I went for the church barbecue yesterday. It was fine. I saw Samantha, she's fucking gorgeous omg. She's so pretty, I'm jealous. :( Okay, I'll end off here now. Nothing much to say actually. :/ Annyeong.

Carol. <3

What's it gonna take to confess, what we both know?

Thursday, November 17, 2011 Y 8:53 PM

Good afternoon peoples. (: I just woke up and had a curry puff and iced black coffee for brunch. It's so filling omg. Old Chang Kee has the best curry puff ever. I don't really have anything to do today. There's no CCA today, yay. {: Currently listening to Starlight Moonlight by Secret. I love Hyosung and Ji Eun unnie. They're so pretty. But I love the whole of Secret too. Ugh, I wanna go shopping so badly, in Hong Kong or Kuala Lumpur. I need new clothes. OH, I'm going to some church BBQ tomorrow with Kayelean, Nathalie and Sharmaine. {: I'm excited. Will Danielle be there too? I miss her too. It's been such a long time since I've seen her. HAHAH. <: I'm scared that I'll be kinda extra there though. Since all the people I know that goes to that church is Kayelean, Nathalie, Sharmaine, Danielle, Rynell, Clydell and Joshua. :/ Yes, Joshua Lim. My math teacher, I call him by his name. Since I've already graduated primary school, I CAN. :B HAHAH. Okay. I'm talking too much in one post, I'll end off here now. {: Annyeong.

Carol. <3

because of you I learned how to love.

Y 5:18 AM

Good evening peoples. {: Job hunting today wasn't successful. :/ It was full everywhere. We're going to try our luck again next week at AMK. (: Hopefully it turns out good. OHOHOH, while we were job hunting just now, we saw a guy that really looked like Myungsoo! I started spazzing immediately. :B I can't help it, he looks like my fiancee, how can I not spazz. I wore my blue black and white plaid shirt that matches with Myungsoo today. And my circle lenses cooperated with me today. I'm really happy. (: But my day wasn't all that perfect. :/ I'm pretty annoyed by some girls on facebook. Long story. Anyway, I said that I didn't want to argue and fight anymore, so hopefully they leave me alone too. And Kayelean. -_- Childish people. I'll let karma deal with them. I'm going to keep quiet. I know I was wrong for arguing with them in the beginning, so now, I'll stop. {: I'm a good girl. But overall, today was a good day, I guess. <: I also bought an L handphone strap at $3.90. {: Yay, now I have my baby's name on my phone too. I love you L KIM MYUNGSOO <3 Kay, I'll end off here. {: Annyeong.

Carol. <3

it's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Y 6:49 PM

Goodmorninggggggggggg. {: I had a pretty nice sleep. I was supposed to stay up with Sharmaine, but I dropped dead on her. Oops. :/ Currently listening to Before The Dawn by Infinite and drinking iced coffee. {: What a peaceful morning. Gonna meet Kayelean around 1 later. I'm going to annoy her with my Taeyang dance again. Meh, I'm hungry. Grandma's still out buying breakfast. I hope it isn't charsiew rice. I've been having that for like, 2 days already. I'm totally broke down ugh. :( After buying that gorgeous plaid shirt, I'm left with no money. And mummy didn't leave me any cash. -_- I need a job. Thank goodness most places accept 14 year olds. I hope the job hunting's successful today. :/ -fingers crossed- Kay. I'll end off here now. Annyeong. {:

Carol. <3

Because I listen to my heartbeat one by one.


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That girl.

Carol is my name.
♥ - I'm a blessed little girl showered with love & presents every 0402
♥ - I love fashion & food like any other teenage girl.
♥ - I'm obsessed with K-POP [:
♥ - 200% Inspirit & more. <3
♥ - I'm Belieber too. ♥ - L Kim Myungsoo's princess to ∞ and beyond. Forever & Always. ♥ - I'm pretty awkward and might go a little too random and crazy sometimes.

I love.

♥ - Singing & Listening to music.
♥ - Shopping.
♥ - Travelling.
♥ - Chatting & Youtubing.
♥ - Hanging out with my amis.
♥ - Doodling & ofcourse, using my laptop. [: ♥ - FRIDAYS.


-` To get all the wishes I want ? HEHE. [:

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Let's be crazy & random, shall we? [:
I blah a lot too, don't worry. <:

The sweet escape.

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